Focal Point
ERROR_MR_FEX_NOT_FOUND Impossible de créer l'objet élément à partir de &INCLCOND

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December 20, 2010, 12:20 PM
ERROR_MR_FEX_NOT_FOUND Impossible de créer l'objet élément à partir de &INCLCOND
My God !!! I'm turning slightly mad as Freddy used to say ...
"Error Near or At" is precise as a Swiss watch, regards to this ERROR_MR_FEX one ...
And the worst of it all is that I begin (a little) to understand what MRE tries to do.
My point is to bring under DS control, heavily Dialog Manager-ed Fexes coming from MVS-TSO.
( &INCLCOND is a very classic Name of Included Condition that is present in many, many places in my code )
Cooperative treatment would be perfect to me, but MRE (concealing and probably securing) architecture is the choice of my Company.
So, what are the tricks of the gurus to -MRE_PLEASE_LET_ME_SEE_HOW_THINGS_ARE_GOING ...
-SET ECHO = ALL; speaks a nice langage to my ears. It tells me, with Focus Words what's ok and what is ko.
And little by little I can take more and more -MRNOEDIT out of my tests and get closer of the MRE target.

But sometimes, I grow nervous because of one more of this "Hé, hé, You've again made a mistake and I hope you won't find out ..."

What are your tips, tricks, techniques, habits and cultural references, Focus Friends ?

Cordially, Focusely but, for the Moment, not too MREly

PS : When I awake at night, come vague memories of orders around FOCSHELL, that had made me understand the Shell aspect of MRE Power Edition (in the early 90's). Is that still partly alive ?

Focus Mainframe 7.6.11
Dev Studio 7.6.11 and !!!
PC Focus, Focus for OS/2, FFW Six, MSO
December 20, 2010, 02:36 PM
Francis Mariani
I did not experience the same pain and anguish as you when I transitioned from mainframe FOCUS to WebFOCUS.

Please tell us what is in &INCLCOND.

Thank you,


Give me code, or give me retirement. In FOCUS since 1991

Production: WF 7.7.05M, Dev Studio, BID, MRE, WebSphere, DB2 / Test: WF 8.1.05M, App Studio, BI Portal, Report Caster, jQuery, HighCharts, Apache Tomcat, MS SQL Server
December 21, 2010, 05:26 AM
In fact INCLCOND = '*', meaning, in my world, something like FOCNONE
Everything turned well when I changed to 

But I had to discover that TRANCIC1, son of TRANCICL, son of .... was the cause of the brutal MRE refusal to even start something.
I was educated with structured programing (Numerous tiny reusable Bricks) and was used to be informed of the chain of callers. (As Focus does that correctly with ECHO)
Focusely and ThanksFully

Focus Mainframe 7.6.11
Dev Studio 7.6.11 and !!!
PC Focus, Focus for OS/2, FFW Six, MSO
December 21, 2010, 05:33 AM
My God, I've turned platinum ...
I feel quite Madoff steeled
Focusely and Modestly

Focus Mainframe 7.6.11
Dev Studio 7.6.11 and !!!
PC Focus, Focus for OS/2, FFW Six, MSO