Focal Point
Beware of posting some amper varables

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January 29, 2013, 03:51 PM
Beware of posting some amper varables
A bit of a warning.

Seems if you post &deg you get the ° character.

Doesn't seem to need the semicolon to be included.

And it doesn't seem to care if its part of another word.
&degree becomes °ree

Also happens within the code tags.
&deg becomes °
&degree becomes °ree


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In Focus since 1984
Pity the lost knowledge of an old programmer!

January 29, 2013, 05:17 PM
Francis Mariani
&REG is ®


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January 29, 2013, 06:04 PM
Perhaps the new Focal Point won't do this.



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In Focus since 1984
Pity the lost knowledge of an old programmer!

January 30, 2013, 05:39 AM
I suspect it kind of has to do that so that users of Internet Explorer see the same output as users of any other browser. IE happily turns a string like that into an entity, even if there is no semi-colon (just like these forums do).

Sketch my surprise while debugging a generated URL that contained parameters involving amplitudes that seemingly had incomplete parameter names...

So, while focal point might address the issue in some future release, IE is still a point in the ointment.

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: Member of User Group Benelux :
January 30, 2013, 03:11 PM

January 30, 2013, 04:07 PM
Here is a list of character entity references and shows which ones are affected.

&Aacute → Á
&aacute → á
&Acirc → Â
&acirc → â
&acute → ´
&AElig → Æ
&aelig → æ
&Agrave → À
&agrave → à
&alefsym → &alefsym
&Alpha → &Alpha
&alpha → &alpha
&amp → &
&and → &and
&ang → &ang
&apos → &apos
&Aring → Å
&aring → å
&asymp → &asymp
&Atilde → Ã
&atilde → ã
&Auml → Ä
&auml → ä
&bdquo → &bdquo
&Beta → &Beta
&beta → &beta
&brvbar → ¦
&bull → &bull
&cap → &cap
&Ccedil → Ç
&ccedil → ç
&cedil → ¸
&cent → ¢
&Chi → &Chi
&chi → &chi
&circ → &circ
&clubs → &clubs
&cong → &cong
&copy → ©
&crarr → &crarr
&cup → &cup
&curren → ¤
&dagger → &dagger
&Dagger → &Dagger
&darr → &darr
&dArr → &dArr
&deg → °
&Delta → &Delta
&delta → &delta
&diams → &diams
&divide → ÷
&Eacute → É
&eacute → é
&Ecirc → Ê
&ecirc → ê
&Egrave → È
&egrave → è
&empty → &empty
&emsp → &emsp
&ensp → &ensp
&Epsilon → &Epsilon
&epsilon → &epsilon
&equiv → &equiv
&Eta → &Eta
&eta → &eta
&ETH → Ð
&eth → ð
&Euml → Ë
&euml → ë
&euro → &euro
&exist → &exist
&fnof → &fnof
&forall → &forall
&frac12 → ½
&frac14 → ¼
&frac34 → ¾
&frasl → &frasl
&Gamma → &Gamma
&gamma → &gamma
&ge → &ge
&gt → >
&harr → &harr
&hArr → &hArr
&hearts → &hearts
&hellip → &hellip
&Iacute → Í
&iacute → í
&Icirc → Î
&icirc → î
&iexcl → ¡
&Igrave → Ì
&igrave → ì
&image → &image
&infin → &infin
&int → &int
&Iota → &Iota
&iota → &iota
&iquest → ¿
&isin → &isin
&Iuml → Ï
&iuml → ï
&Kappa → &Kappa
&kappa → &kappa
&Lambda → &Lambda
&lambda → &lambda
&lang → &lang
&laquo → «
&larr → &larr
&lArr → &lArr
&lceil → &lceil
&ldquo → &ldquo
&le → &le
&lfloor → &lfloor
&lowast → &lowast
&loz → &loz
&lrm → &lrm
&lsaquo → &lsaquo
&lsquo → &lsquo
&lt → <
&macr → ¯
&mdash → &mdash
&micro → µ
&middot → ·
&minus → &minus
&Mu → &Mu
&mu → &mu
&nabla → &nabla
&nbsp →  
&ndash → &ndash
&ne → &ne
&ni → &ni
&not → ¬
&notin → ¬in
&nsub → &nsub
&Ntilde → Ñ
&ntilde → ñ
&Nu → &Nu
&nu → &nu
&Oacute → Ó
&oacute → ó
&Ocirc → Ô
&ocirc → ô
&OElig → &OElig
&oelig → &oelig
&Ograve → Ò
&ograve → ò
&oline → &oline
&Omega → &Omega
&omega → &omega
&Omicron → &Omicron
&omicron → &omicron
&oplus → &oplus
&or → &or
&ordf → ª
&ordm → º
&Oslash → Ø
&oslash → ø
&Otilde → Õ
&otilde → õ
&otimes → &otimes
&Ouml → Ö
&ouml → ö
&para → ¶
&part → &part
&permil → &permil
&perp → &perp
&Phi → &Phi
&phi → &phi
&Pi → &Pi
&pi → &pi
&piv → &piv
&plusmn → ±
&pound → £
&prime → &prime
&Prime → &Prime
&prod → &prod
&prop → &prop
&Psi → &Psi
&psi → &psi
&quot → "
&radic → &radic
&rang → &rang
&raquo → »
&rarr → &rarr
&rArr → &rArr
&rceil → &rceil
&rdquo → &rdquo
&real → &real
&reg → ®
&rfloor → &rfloor
&Rho → &Rho
&rho → &rho
&rlm → &rlm
&rsaquo → &rsaquo
&rsquo → &rsquo
&sbquo → &sbquo
&Scaron → &Scaron
&scaron → &scaron
&sdot → &sdot
&sect → §
&shy → ­
&Sigma → &Sigma
&sigma → &sigma
&sigmaf → &sigmaf
&sim → &sim
&spades → &spades
&sub → &sub
&sube → &sube
&sum → &sum
&sup → &sup
&sup1 → ¹
&sup2 → ²
&sup3 → ³
&supe → &supe
&szlig → ß
&Tau → &Tau
&tau → &tau
&there4 → &there4
&Theta → &Theta
&theta → &theta
&thetasym → &thetasym
&thinsp → &thinsp
&thorn → þ
&tilde → &tilde
&times → ×
&trade → &trade
&Uacute → Ú
&uacute → ú
&uarr → &uarr
&uArr → &uArr
&Ucirc → Û
&ucirc → û
&Ugrave → Ù
&ugrave → ù
&uml → ¨
&upsih → &upsih
&Upsilon → &Upsilon
&upsilon → &upsilon
&Uuml → Ü
&uuml → ü
&weierp → &weierp
&Xi → &Xi
&xi → &xi
&Yacute → Ý
&yacute → ý
&yen → ¥
&yuml → ÿ
&Yuml → &Yuml
&Zeta → &Zeta
&zeta → &zeta
&zwj → &zwj
&zwnj → &zwnj


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In Focus since 1984
Pity the lost knowledge of an old programmer!