Focal Point
3rd Annual Focal Point Tips and Techniques Contest

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February 20, 2009, 01:55 PM
3rd Annual Focal Point Tips and Techniques Contest
All Focal Pointers,

Now it is the time to take actions and participate in our third Annual Focal Point Tips and Techniques Contest!

Do you have an original, smart way of doing things to a particular problem? Would you be kind enough to share with all?

Similar as last two years, the winners will be announced at Summit in Gaylord Opryland, Nashville, Tennessee. All submissions will be presented in our Focal Point Tips and Techniques Contest session on (date and time). A grand prize will be awarded to first place, and all submissions selected (looking for 10) will receive a prize as well.

Different from last two year, this year we will have two of our Focal Point Virtuosos, Tony A and Susannah, to present all the submissions. In addition, Tony and Susannah will also bring a bonus presentation to the session. Be sure to attend the session, and meet with other Focal Pointers for name-face connections.

********CONTEST GUIDELINES********
The deadline for submission will be Monday, May 11, 2008.

* Please submit your Focal Point Tip and Technique in a doc file with your name, Focal Point ID, Company, Title, and number of years you have been using Focus/WebFOCUS.
* Submission must be in two parts:
--- In the first part describe the problem you are solving, e.g. I have three identical files on three separate machines, and I need to combine the data into one aggregated report.
--- In the second part show your solution or code (with comments).
* Your tip can be shown in 5 minutes or less.
* All entries will be judged on originality, complexity of problem, and elegance of solution.
* Send all submissions to in a word document.
* You must be a Focal Point Member to participate.

It is highly recommended, but not required, that you attend the session to win the prize.

Thanks everyone!! We look forward to hearing about your tips and techniques and seeing you at Summit in Nashville this year.


Kathleen Butler, Focal Point Manager
Kerry Zhan, Focal Point Moderator
Information Builders, Inc.