Event: Northern California Information Builders User Group Meeting
When: Friday, April 22, 2005 at Cal State East Bay 8:15am-Noon(+optional networking at lunch..)
The meeting planned for 4/22/05 at Cal State East Bay will be held in Room AE123(same location as last meeting).
**RSVP needed - especially for those needing parking permits!!
- see below..
Meeting Agenda
8:15-8:30 Networking and Welcome
8:30- 9:00 Bob Hughes, Data Base Architect,
Cal State East Bay
SSN Noview/Noprint Project
Focus Security Techniques
for protecting
sensitive data.
9:00-9:15 Break
9:15-10:00 Dennis Herseley, Information Systems Architect, Integretel
"Regional Time Issues in Distributed Systems".
Covering time-related problems involved in supporting Integretel's Inmate Calling Solutions, Inc. WebFOCUS's extensive timestamp functions
will also be covered.
10:00-10:15 Break
10:15-Noon Jeff Winters, IBI, Western Region
New Product Update -WebFocus v7!
New Features Demo and Overview..
Noon - 1:30p Lunch / More Networking
Parking & Travel
Please see
http://www.csuhayward.edu/campus_maps/directions.html for driving instructions, BART connections, etc. For those who send in an RSVP a parking permit will be available for pick up at the Visitor
Kiosk on Carlos Bee Blvd at the top of the Hill on the right(south) side of the road adjacent to the baseball field.
For an enlarged map of routes to the Hayward Hills Campus visit -
http://www.csuhayward.edu/campus_maps/bayarealargemap.html (Do not refer to the Contra Costa Campus map on the same page..)
For an enlarged map of the Hayward Hills Campus see -
http://www.csuhayward.edu/campus_maps/hayward_map.html Bob Hughes
Bob Hughes, California State University East Bay
George Chin, Wells Fargo & Company,
Janice Miles: Consultant
Howard Share: HSConultants, Inc.
Jerry Foster: Worldwide Focus, Ltd.
Web Site:
NorCal IBUG,
http://www.csuhayward.edu/FOCUS/ncalibug.htm -includes downloads for many past presentations