Hi davedel2001,
To receive Email Digest for FOCUS/WebFOCUS forum only, you will need to first unsubscribe the current email digest:
1) Click on the Go tab, then mouse over to Personal Zone, then click on Notifications.
2) When you see All Forums, mouse over to the right side and click on Edit.
3) In the new window, un-check the subscriptions that you do not want. When you are done with selections, click on Update My Notification.
Then, to set up Email Digest for FOCUS/WebFOCUS forum ONLY:
1) Go to the
2) Click the "Notify" tab. You should see "Notification Tool: "FOCUS/WebFOCUS".
3) Check the "Daily Email Digest" option (or Immediate Notification by Email, or Weekly Email Digest) as well as the "Include Replies" option.
4) Click "Add Notification".
Hope this helps and please let me know if you have questions.

Kerry Zhan
Focal Point Moderator
Information Builders, Inc.