Hi Andre,
I checked with our iWay people and here is the suggestion:
To answer the question, the best way is to “Add Web Service”, the terminology might change depending on which version of Visual Studio you are using.
There is a known issue with the iSM SOAP response which doesn’t exactly match the WSDL, the namespace might be different. Since .NET relies on the WSDL for its XML serializer/deserializer, the response will fail to be interpreted correctly.
One way to get around this is to set the iSM JVM property ibsp.wsdl.nsaware to true, and to re-create the iSM web service.
However this might not solve all the WSDL issues. There should be a fix available soon for iSM 6.1.x
The current workaround is to manually modify the WSDL to match the actual SOAP response schema, as seen from the iBSP test tool (http://localhost:9000/).
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Kerry Zhan
Focal Point Moderator
Information Builders, Inc.