Thanks Clif - my problem is I need to calculate the date on the fly to determine which table to access. Entering a hardcoded date for each monthly run isn't an option.
We have 25 months of data under a view, and they are split out by AS_OF_DT, which is the first day of the month.
So in June, I want to grab the data where AS_OF_DT = '2011/05/01' and move it to another table. In July, I want the data where AS_OF_DT = '2011/06/01'.
Since this will be in a schedule, and in production (where I can't modify the code) entering a value each time this runs isn't feasible. While I can create DEFINE statements for these variables, it is then calculated for every record read, rather than just once when the job kicks off and seems to really add to the run time.
I do have a backup plan which is to calculate the date via another job and put it into a 1 row table I can then join to, but that's kind of clunky. It works, but it would be a lot cleaner to be able to use a variable in the filter.
I don't suppose there is any way to get variables added to the "DM Variables" or "System Variables" that are available to be used in the filter?
WebFOCUS 7.6.1
AIX / Windows 2003