Focal Point
How to kill the Process Flow?

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August 29, 2013, 01:22 PM
Praveen Kumar
How to kill the Process Flow?
Hi All,

I developed a dataflow with Source, Target and corresponding tranformations. My Source table contains around 1 million records. The flow is valid and when I ran the Process flow, it started fetching the records and loading it into target. It took more than 4 hours and it is still not completed. So, I cancelled the process flow.

Later, I noticed the table got loaded with some amount of records. But, I increased the commit size greater than source record count.

My question is, will the process flow run in the background?. If so, where to go and stop it?.

Help me in knowing it.

Thank You.

August 30, 2013, 09:51 AM
A couple of things:
1) to cancel go to console, then workspace then data services; right click and select agents. You should see your request running. Right click on it and seletc "kill this agent"
2) I suspect the reason your job is taking so long is that you are using "keyed update". If possible avoid that and use "insert from memory"