I can't insert/update a table using odbc connection in data migrator. Following log is the error I'm getting. Please help!
Submitted immediately
Request - LOADTESTQ2 (Owner: webfocus) submitted.
f558600c_q2 type ODBC Existing target
Starting Load
(FOC1400) SQLCODE IS -7008 (HEX: FFFFE4A0)
: [S1000] [IBM][iSeries Access ODBC Driver][DB2 UDB]SQL7008 - F558600C in
: TESTDTA not valid for operation.
(FOC1740) EXECUTE ERROR : F558600C_Q2
-- stats for source file
1 : Row(s) processed by job
0 : Row(s) rejected due to format error
-- stats for target file: f558600c_q2
1 : Row(s) processed by job
1 : Row(s) accepted by target table
0 : Row(s) inserted into target table
0 : Row(s) updated in target table
0 : Row(s) deleted from target table
0 : Row(s) rejected due to validation errors
0 : Row(s) rejected due to no match
0 : Row(s) rejected because duplicate exist
0 : Row(s) rejected due to DBMS error
Ending Load
Return Code = 1740
Request: LOADTESTQ2 - finished processing
CPU Time : 94
Elapsed run time 0:00:01
Shirley Huang
WF 7.7.04M MRE BID DevStudio
WIN2003, SQL Server 2000/DB2
iSM 6.16