Originally posted by RobT:
Thanks for your responses so far.
The empty XML element I was trying to display in my original post was
A section of the debug logs are shown here.
09:59:54.647 DEBUG W.O_STATUS_CON_MQ.7 TranslateMovementCode : returning from execute method , took time : 1
09:59:54.647 DEBUG W.O_STATUS_CON_MQ.7 movementSubType is EMPTY String :::
09:59:54.646 DEBUG W.O_STATUS_CON_MQ.7 movementSubType is :::
09:59:54.646 DEBUG W.O_STATUS_CON_MQ.7 movementType is ::: RO
09:59:54.646 DEBUG W.O_STATUS_CON_MQ.7 Argument length is ::: 2
09:59:54.646 DEBUG W.O_STATUS_CON_MQ.7 TranslateMovementCode : inside execute method
As you can see, our custom function's logging tells us it received an Empty String (this logging was specifically added to the function to troubleshoot this particular problem). Also, the final results returned by the function indicate it received an empty string and not a null.