Question for the greater audience. We have a process that crashed this morning with an an error code of ICM18822 (communication error). Looking
at the logs yielded no additional information on the error and a search in the support forum produced a dozen or so explanations - all of which seem
unrelated to each other and unrelated to the error we encountered.
The above mentioned error has only occurred a couple of times in the past (last one being approximately 2 months ago) for this process that runs
every night. Also, when the process flow is re-run, the error is occurring in the same data flow which is one of many data flows being run by
the calling process flow.
With the above in mind, has anyone encountered a similar kind of problem? And if so, what did you do to resolve the issue? Also, would it be
plausible that a work file that is too big for the data flow to work with be a reason for the error?
Any feedback on this is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
WebFOCUS 7.6.7
csv/.txt, pdf, Excel