Focal Point
[PMFDEVGUIDE] Arrows for sorting on Gadget form don't appear in 5.2.2

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August 11, 2010, 12:57 PM
Bob Jude Ferrante
[PMFDEVGUIDE] Arrows for sorting on Gadget form don't appear in 5.2.2
A user reported a typo in the Developer Guide to Customer Support, we're including it here for public consumption.

On page 25, in the section referring to setting up a sample template for modification, the guide refers to a UI to change the sort direction. No such capability exists in 5.2.2; that is going to be a capability in 5.2.3.

In V5.2.3 you will be able to specify a sort as an across in the GUI, thus you won't have to write any code at all to do this. Creating grid gadgets from any standard PMF template is this a point and click operation. But you can do it in 5.2.2, using code.

If you want to change the sort direction in 5.2.2, you can do it in PMF code and call the template, as documented, via a caller FOCEXEC. The syntax to use is:


Where [n] is the positional parameter to pass for the sort field. You have up to three sorts in a typical PMF report, you can designate any one of these three to be a column-based sort.

For example, if you wanted the first sort parameter pass to be the across, you would use


You can then include the template FOCEXEC and it will respect the across sort.


Bob Jude Ferrante
Director of Business and Development
WebFOCUS Performance Management

I'll take any questions about PMF - business or technical - anytime!