Focal Point
% question

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August 08, 2008, 09:57 AM
Endre Pekarik
% question
actual numerator = 10
actual denominator = 100
target fixed 1.00%
unit of measure = %
the today page showing actual is .001% and target 1.00% This is incorrect because of the shown % sign for .001%. If the sign would not show , than it would be correct, but with the % sign, it should show .10% for actual.
Therefore the actual % are showing .001% Are we setting something incorrectly for the measures metadata?
thank you

August 08, 2008, 01:06 PM
Bob Jude Ferrante
To answer your question we'd need the load formulae and bases for the actual and targets from the measure loader. Can you get us that info?

Bob Jude Ferrante
Director of Business and Development
WebFOCUS Performance Management

I'll take any questions about PMF - business or technical - anytime!

August 08, 2008, 01:47 PM
Endre Pekarik

The actual/target format specification for the Today page, on the measure metadata screen it was D8.4 . We chaged it to D8.4% Since we asked for Percentage format above the format field, we thought that the format will be converted to %. Now we understund that we have to specify % in the field format.

