Actual numerator and denominator are the components of the ACTUAL. You wouldn't typically use the PLAN amount as a component of the actual. PMF will compare the calculated result of the ACTUAL to the calculated result of the PLAN. You must specify the PLAN amount as the TARGET.
If you do the calculation as you describe, and the plan is 0, and you divide by it, you are dividing by zero. As you probably remember from mathematics, any number divided by zero has an infinite - or irrational - resultant. So you don't want to do that.
It's like this. If you are calculating a measure margin, you'll typically do something like this
Actual [margin]=
([total dollar amt of sale] - [portion that is profit])
[total dollar amt of sale]
Target [margin] =
some percentage
1 [resulting in a counted sum, averaging the percent to balance it for aggregation purposes]
Hope this makes sense, and helps.
Bob Jude Ferrante
Director of Business and Development
WebFOCUS Performance Management
I'll take any questions about PMF - business or technical - anytime!