Prior field indicators are built into PMF's field taxonomy. We just have not already built a parallel "prior v. current" report that displays them yet.
So you can do this in just a few minutes of work.
Clone and rename the following files.
copy todmeas1.fex - name it primeas1.fex
copy todmeas.fex - name it primeas.htm
copy todmeas.htm - call it primeas.htm
copy todmeas_navbar.htm - call it primeas_navbar.htm
In primeas_navbar.htm, change the references on line 37 to call primeas1.fex, not todmeas1.fex.
In primeas1.fex
1. Change all field references to PREV_ to PRI_; you should do a line by line replace to be careful.
2. Change internal references to todmeas1.fex in that file to primeas1.fex.
3. Change the &TIME_RANGE to PRI_CUR
In primeas.fex, change the HTMLFORM line to point to primeas.htm
In primeas.htm, change the reference on line 57 to call primeas1, not todmeas1.
Set up a new launch page called Measures - Prior to Current, pointing to your new primeas.
That's it!
Bob Jude Ferrante
Director of Business and Development
WebFOCUS Performance Management
I'll take any questions about PMF - business or technical - anytime!