There's currently no setting to change that. If you're averse to changing code then it's not possible to change it.
Or you can change a line in
measures_entry_filters.htm to alter the default.
populateFilterBoxes(commobj, document.getElementById("meas_dims").value, 'TIM_CURR', true) ;
TIM_CURR with the internal name of the Time Range you want to use. To indicate it is a Time Range you should prefix TIM_.
So for example to use last 12 months you would change it to
'TIM_12MM' I just tested this and confirm it works.
This customization
can be put into
pmfcustom since it uses HTMLFORM. But note this panel will certainly change with the 5.3 release so the customization would need to be re-implemented.
Quite fortunate that it takes a mere 10 seconds to do.
Bob Jude Ferrante
Director of Business and Development
WebFOCUS Performance Management
I'll take any questions about PMF - business or technical - anytime!