Sorry nobody's answered this one yet. We'll look into this.
In general you should consider upgrading to 5.1.3; we fixed some aspects of the "tree reports" and use of the Time Dimension in 5.1.3 and that could fix your issue.
5.2.1 will have additional work done in this area, including the ability to control default Dimensional access on these reports.
The best thing about 5.2.1. will be that you can actually dump this report and use a Dashboard to run it, since the DImension Tree is a gadget in 5.2.1, and the report another gadget, so you can not only have the tree automating the report but also other gadgets including Flex gadgets, charts, etc., at the same time.
And the new gadget Dimension tree is also "sticky..." another capability customers have been wanting. That means it remembers and shows you all the nodes you have clicked, for each dimension in the tree, and it's easy to swap and remove the nodes by clicking.
Bob Jude Ferrante
Director of Business and Development
WebFOCUS Performance Management
I'll take any questions about PMF - business or technical - anytime!