I think there might already a gadget that does this. Have a look at Metric - Pct Reached for Perspective. Does that work for you?
If not...
You might be looking for a summary at the BOTH perspective level AND the measure level, in which case, you'll need to build your own. You won't be able to use a template in Analysis Designer because those all summarize at one level only.
Your custom gadget will use PMF_BOOKLET_DATA.FEX as its base INCLUDE. Follow the steps in the developer guide. It will use a
of PERSP_AND_OBJ_AND_MEAS. Decide what fields to use from the taxonomy - the Parameter Extractor tool can help you get the field types from the taxonomy (see related post on today's PMF FocalPoint forum).
Your gadget will need to display data fields at the Perspective level and the Measure level, both of which will be present at the PASS3 summarization level.
Then you can save it as a gadget_[whatever name you like], name it as a class in PMF, put it in your PMFCUSTOM folder, snap and link a preview PNG file, and save it all out. Now you can drag and drop it on your dashboards, size it, set the defaults, and let your end users set up their preferences on what it can show.
If you like your work (and who doesn't?), you can share it with the world by Exporting it to a GDG file and sending that to us for inclusion in the soon-to-be-public PMF Gadget App Store. This way other PMF users will be able to use your work (we believe in sharing and reuse).
Bob Jude Ferrante
Director of Business and Development
WebFOCUS Performance Management
I'll take any questions about PMF - business or technical - anytime!