I have tabbed control report with two tabs.
In the first tab, I have a report with drilldown.
when the user clicks on the drilldown, drilldown gets displayed in the second tab.
All this is working fine.
Only problem is:
I want to change the focus to tab2 when user clicks on drilldown.
I am able to get it to work in a way but not quite there yet.
I am able to focus to tab2 when user clicks on drilldown.
But user would have to click on tab2item to see the tab2itembody.
tab2itembody is not getting displayed for somereason.
What am I missing?
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//Begin function window_onload
function window_onload() {
// TODO: Add your event handler code here
//selectedtab= "true";
//selectedtab= "true";
//add onInitialUpdate() function to make changes before initial run of the reports
//End function window_onload
//Begin function report1_onfocus
function report1_onfocus(ctrl) {
//var d= document.getElementById("tabitem2").selectedtab= "true";
//var e=document.getElementById("tabitembody2").style.visibility="visible";
//selectedtab= "true";
//selectedtab= "true";
//End function report1_onfocus
//Begin function report2_onfocus
function report2_onfocus(ctrl) {
//selectedtab= "true";
//selectedtab= "true";
//End function report2_onfocus
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7.7.01,windows2008 R2