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hi guys , I am creating a report from a view which is updated in the metadata..but whenever i run the report .. i get this ERROR
FOC1400) SQLCODE IS 1741 (HEX: 000006CD) : ORA-01741: illegal zero-length identifier L (FOC1406) SQL OPEN CURSOR ERROR. : T_ORA_SOL_INV_V
and according to the error we have to check for "" quotes without spaces.and we checked that we are not using any thing like this in the program..any suggestions please
hi francis, i used the clauses SET TRACEUSER = ON SET TRACEOFF = ALL SET TRACEON=MNTSTMT still no help...i am getting the same error.. and one more thing..w eexwecuted the view in the tool Aquastudio where all the views of reports are stored... This view works perfectly and fetches data..but when i run the report in WF ..i get the error FOC1400) SQLCODE IS 1741 (HEX: 000006CD) : ORA-01741: illegal zero-length identifier L (FOC1406) SQL OPEN CURSOR ERROR. : T_ORA_SOL_INV_V
any suggestions please.. thank you sirThis message has been edited. Last edited by: arvind,
Of course you are "getting the same error" - the trace won't solve the problem, but it will show you the SQL that is passed to Oracle. Then you can examine the SQL to see if there's a problem there.
Please post the SQL generated by WF - perhaps we can spot the problem...
Give me code, or give me retirement. In FOCUS since 1991
Production: WF 7.7.05M, Dev Studio, BID, MRE, WebSphere, DB2 / Test: WF 8.1.05M, App Studio, BI Portal, Report Caster, jQuery, HighCharts, Apache Tomcat, MS SQL Server
hi francis, We create the SQL separately and then update it in the metadata of WF..Below is the SQL written in Aquastudio tool and one more thing.this query works perfectly in Aquastudio and fetches data ...but when i run the report in WF.. i get the error thank you sir
SELECT distinct SD.SOL_REF_I as " Solution_ID" , SD.SOL_N as "Solution_Name", SCH.PARNT_SOL_CATG_N as "Parent_Solution_Category", SCH.CHLD_SOL_CATG_N as "Solution_Category", ASSD.ARCH_SOL_STACK_N as "Solution_Stack " , OD.ORG_GRP_N as "Solution_Owner " , SD.SOL_TYPE_CATG_N as "Solution_Type " , SD.SOL_VER_I as "Solution_Version " , STCD.STAT_CATG_N as "Solution_Lifecycle_Status" , SLF.PLN_STAT_EFF_D as "LifeCycle_Planned_Begin_Date ", SLF.PLN_STAT_EXPR_D as "LifeCycle_Planned_End_Date ", SLF.ACTL_STAT_EFF_D as "LifeCycle_Actual_Begin_Date ", SLF.ACTL_STAT_EXPR_D as "LifeCycle_Actual_End_Date ", SD.APRO_STAT_CATG_N as "Approval_Status", ARF.RESP_CHCE_T as "Vendor_Name", STCD.STAT_CATG_N as "Current/Next_Planned_Status" From SOL_DIM SD, SOL_CATG_HIER SCH, SOL_LFCY_FCT SLF, ORG_DIM OD, STAT_CATG_DIM STCD, ARCH_SOL_STACK_DIM ASSD, CNTC_FCT CF, APPL_DIM AD, STACK_SOL_FCT SSF, ARTF_RESP_FCT ARF, GBL_ARTF_DIM GAD, SOL_CATG_DIM SCD Where SCH.PARNT_SOL_CATG_I = SCD.SOL_CATG_I and SCD.SOL_CATG_I = SSF.SOL_CATG_I and SSF.SOL_I = SD.SOL_I and SCH.CHLD_SOL_CATG_I = SCD.SOL_CATG_I and SD.SOL_I=SSF.SOL_I and SSF.ARCH_SOL_STACK_I=ASSD.ARCH_SOL_STACK_I and OD.ORG_I=CF.ORG_I and CF.SOL_I=SD.SOL_I and SD.SOL_I = SLF.SOL_I and SLF.STAT_CATG_I=STCD.STAT_CATG_I and GAD.ENT_PRIM_KEY_I = SD.SOL_I and GAD.ARTF_I = ARF.ARTF_I and STCD.CURR_STAT_F = 'Y' and SLF.PLN_STAT_EFF_D>SYSDATE and SLF.ACTL_STAT_EFF_D >= '1900/01/01' and SLF.ACTV_F = 'Y' and CF.ACTV_F = 'Y' and SSF.ACTV_F = 'Y' and ARF.ACTV_F = 'Y'
I don't understand "update it in the metadata of WF". The SQL you're showing me is the SQL of the Oracle View? This is not the SQL generated by WebFOCUS? Did you generate the WebFOCUS metadata using the WebFOCUS synonym generator or did you type it manually?
Give me code, or give me retirement. In FOCUS since 1991
Production: WF 7.7.05M, Dev Studio, BID, MRE, WebSphere, DB2 / Test: WF 8.1.05M, App Studio, BI Portal, Report Caster, jQuery, HighCharts, Apache Tomcat, MS SQL Server
The background SQL for our report is not generated in Webfocus. We wrote the view in a tool and incorporated the view in the metadata of Webfocus. Using this view, we generate the report in Webfocus .. I apologose for the confusion