May be i didn`t mentioned the things in detail
In web focus , if we right click on the report, i am getting three options(Refresh, Run, Properties) for html report and for fex or non-html report i am getting five options(Run deffered,Refresh, Run, Properties, schedule).
well i am trying to access the report of web focus using java code.
By the following code i am accessing the reports of Web focus.
FexInfo fexInfo = (FexInfo)request.getSession().getAttribute("FexInfo");
wfReturn =wfSoap.webFocusRunFex(logOn.getLogOnObj(request), fexInfo);
when i am passing parameters for non html report, it`s working fine but in case of html report i am not getting any output.
So my question is for html report also, can i pass the parameters this way.
Web focus 7.6
All format