You could turn dashboard tracing on. Unfortunately, this creates an individual file per login event, so it might be a bit cumbersome to report on.
I inadvertently discovered Dashboard tracing while on an unrelated, ESRI Mapping course.
This is all v5.3.2 so it may be improved or documented.
The URL for Java component tracing is:
http://server-name/ibi_apps/tracing.jsp On this page there is a link for Dashboard tracing, which can be accessed independently:
http://server-name/ibi_apps/worp/jsp/trace/WORP_TraceViewer.jspThe trace can be turned on/off and a level of tracing can be set, Fatal, Error, Warning, Info.
The files are stored here: Drive:\ibi\WebFOCUS53\worp\log and the traces look something like this:
Gen Date: Thu Sep 30 01:32:43 EDT 2004
Gen Number: 252
Gen Label: WEB53
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:112 INFO ibi.worp.WORP_RM.logDefau
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:112 INFO ibi.worp.WORP_RM.logDefau ---------------
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:112 INFO ibi.worp.WORP_RM.logDefau Request type: WORP_LOGIN
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:112 INFO ibi.worp.WORP_RM.logDefau Return type: null
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:112 INFO ibi.worp.WORP_RM.logDefau Session Id : NULL_SESSION
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:112 INFO ibi.worp.WORP_RM.logDefau ************************************
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:112 INFO ibi.worp.WORP_RM.doPost isPublicUser=true
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:112 INFO ibi.worp.cgi.WORP_CGIComm >>>> encryptedDataMode >>> false
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:112 INFO ibi.worp.cgi.WORP_CGIComm searching for < WORP_DUAL_LOGIN > parameter/flag
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:112 INFO ibi.worp.cgi.WORP_CGIComm Checking for IBIMR_returntype parameter
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:112 INFO ibi.worp.cgi.WORP_CGIComm Checking for IBIMR_returntype parameter
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:112 INFO ibi.worp.cgi.WORP_CGIComm Checking for IBIMR_returntype parameter
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:112 INFO ibi.worp.cgi.WORP_CGIComm Checking for IBIMR_returntype parameter
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:112 INFO ibi.worp.cgi.WORP_CGIComm Checking for IBIMR_returntype parameter
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:112 INFO ibi.worp.cgi.WORP_CGIComm Checking for IBIMR_returntype parameter
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:112 INFO ibi.worp.cgi.WORP_CGIComm Checking for IBIMR_returntype parameter
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:112 INFO ibi.worp.cgi.WORP_CGIComm updating request headers being sent to WebFOCUS CGI
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:112 INFO ibi.worp.cgi.WORP_CGIComm getting HTTP header names from request
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:112 INFO ibi.worp.cgi.WORP_CGIComm searching for server environment variables
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:112 INFO ibi.worp.cgi.WORP_CGIComm no server environment variables were configured -- moving on ...
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:315 INFO ibi.worp.cgi.WORP_CGIComm reading return code from cgi in mrcgi format
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:315 INFO ibi.worp.cgi.WORP_CGIComm Reading from WF CGI >> http://server-name:80/ibi_apps/WFServlet
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:315 INFO ibi.worp.cgi.WORP_CGIComm ERROR_CODE found >> 1000
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:315 INFO ibi.worp.cgi.WORP_CGIComm processing cookies >>
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:315 INFO ibi.worp.WORP_SM.doPost user francism signed on successfully
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:330 INFO ibi.worp.WORP_SM.doPost worpUser=francism
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:784 INFO ibi.worp.cgi.WORP_CGIComm processing cookies >>
The line that tells you the date/time/User ID of the login:
39 04/29/2008 10:31:05:315 INFO ibi.worp.WORP_SM.doPost user francism signed on successfully
Then there's the Startup Parameter "MRUSERLOG", which can be turned off/on via the Admin Console. It creates one file per user on a daily or hourly basis. The rudimentary documentation states:
"Determines whether a log file of user actions is created and, if so, how frequently".
I just tried it for the first time and it logs Dashboard logins, though the content of the log file does not contain the login id, only the file name does: "mr_francism_0429_10.log", stored in Drive:\ibi\client53\wfc\web\cgi.
I hope there's something here to get you started...
Give me code, or give me retirement. In FOCUS since 1991
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