Focal Point
How do i control content area on Dashboard

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February 14, 2005, 09:40 AM
How do i control content area on Dashboard
Can anybody tell me how I can control the content area on dashboard?
For example, when I 'run' a selected report from the domain, the next parameter page HTML is created within a seperate HTML page as opposed to placing within the content area of the dashboard as expected.
thanks guys
February 14, 2005, 01:39 PM
<Pietro De Santis>
If your "content area" is an "Output" block and you're launching your parameter screen from the Domain Tree, then I think you have to specify the output frame name as your form target.

If the parameter screen is in a "List" block and there's an "Output" block in the dashboard view, then the parameter screen is displayed in the "Output" block.
February 14, 2005, 05:47 PM
George Brown
Usually we create a page called "reports" (this is the name that shows on the 'tab'). Within this page we create two "blocks".

Block one (usually named 'Available Reports') is on the left hand side, is a "list" and uses 15-20% of the real-estate.

Block two (usually named 'Output') is on the right hand side, is an 'output' type and uses the remaining space.

When you make the right hand side an 'output' block, it automatically is the target when running reports.

If this doesn't help go ahead and post any questions here but also send me an email about it so I can respond.

I hope this helps
February 15, 2005, 03:22 PM
Pietro and George, many thanks for your help - yes, sorted by making an output content area in personalise in Dashboard. Only thing is that this is obviously a personalised setting - is there any way this can be the default for the user community as opposed to having to manually 'set' each user- surely there must be a common setting somewhere.

February 15, 2005, 04:09 PM
<Pietro De Santis>
This should be done for the group view, not the personalized view.
February 16, 2005, 07:24 AM
Thanks Pietro, found file to change (bid-config.xml) and appears to now be defaulting to placing the param page into the output block.

Thanks again.
February 16, 2005, 11:46 AM
I would recommend making changes through the View Builder, rather than editing the base files.

Check out the WebFOCUS Managed Reporting
Administrator�s Manual re details on how to change the group or public views.

Don't change the base files unless you really really understand the impact.
February 16, 2005, 12:25 PM
I am also in the process of creating our first Dashboard for production. My question is when you create a program in Dev Studio using resource layout you end up with 2 members - the resource layout and the htm. Which of these two should be placed in the content block of the Dashboard. I notice you get different options depending on which one you use so is it just a matter of preference...? or are there reasons why one vs the other should be used.....

Thanks for any and all input.....
May 18, 2006, 11:10 AM
Can I get an update on this. I changed the white space to an "output block" and my launch pages are still opening up in a new window. Any help would be great!

dev: WF 7.6.5 w/IIS + Tomcat

prod: WF 7.6.5 w/IIS + Tomcat
May 18, 2006, 12:04 PM
Nevermind on this, I got it working.

dev: WF 7.6.5 w/IIS + Tomcat

prod: WF 7.6.5 w/IIS + Tomcat