Focal Point
Dashboard Logon Count

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August 14, 2007, 03:58 PM
Dashboard Logon Count
Is there a way to determine the number of logons to the dashboard?

I have developed a report for the users to show the activity on a dashboard over various time periods and already display the number of queries, etc. I doubt I can use the resource analyzer tables since they're more related to queries.

Any help would be appreciated.


Prod - WF 7.6.4 Unix/Solaris - Self-Service, BI Dashboard, MRE
Dev - WF 7.6.4 Unix/Solaris - Self-Service, BI Dashboard, MRE
Databases: Oracle 10g, SQL Server 2000, DB2.
August 15, 2007, 10:48 AM

I've never tried this, but you should be able to prepend a focexec to your site profile using the site.wfs. The focexec you insert could be a process to add a number to a counter db ... or whatever.

This is what I'm thinking in site.wfs:
<if> IBIMR_action EQ "MR_SIGNON" AND IBIMR_user.upper NE "PUBLIC"
  _site_profile = -INCLUDE MYCOUNTER\n&_site_profile


"There is no limit to what you can achieve ... if you don’t care who gets the credit." Roger Abbott
August 20, 2007, 05:52 PM
Darryl, thanks for the suggestion. However, I successfully managed to do this with a couple of small adjustments.

In my dashboard, an entry level highly summarized report is automatically displayed in the output block. The MRE module executed is actually an HTML page that submits a focexec on the server. This same HTML page is accessible via the folder block on the dashboard so that users can perform other tasks and return to this report.

I got around my problem by creating a duplicate HTML page that submits the same report, but only when the output block is originally run, i.e. on login. At this time, the login is now a recognizable action and a separate focexec is run that creates a HOLD file. The creation of this hold file can then be found in SMQUERY.

So, in my usage report, I now check for the existence of this hold file with the appropriate focexec name at the same time as my extraction of the data from SMQUERY.

It works like a charm.


Prod - WF 7.6.4 Unix/Solaris - Self-Service, BI Dashboard, MRE
Dev - WF 7.6.4 Unix/Solaris - Self-Service, BI Dashboard, MRE
Databases: Oracle 10g, SQL Server 2000, DB2.