Hi all,
FYI, there is a case opened regarding this issue, and here is the info from the case:
In 7702, info is captured if the request came from Report Caster or the reporting server web console only.
In the Resource Management repository there is a field called SMCLIENTTYPE in 7702 the values are:
Report Caster – for requests run from report caster
Web console – for requests run from reporting server web console
Blank – meaning no value stored for all other WebFOCUS client requests.
We have projects open for a new feature on the WebFOCUS client side to pass over what type of client initiated the request, Report Caster, deferred, MRE, Self Service and may be more.
We have a new feature request to have Resource Management capture the Data Service the users request connected to, and this feature is in the 7704 release. There is another new feature request to have the WebFOCUS clients pass the client type to the server to be collected by Resource Management, but this feature has not been implemented on the WebFOCUS client side yet.
Kerry Zhan
Focal Point Moderator
Information Builders, Inc.