I have a ReportCaster job that I am trying to build. I need a pre-processing job to run that will update a table within my db.
I then want to select the data and create the output.
After that I then need to update the table again to designate that the item has been printed.
I am getting the following error:
Starting worker thread
Starting task: Print Barcode
Task type: EDA RPC
Procedure name: sandbox/print_barcodes
Connecting to server EDASERVE with static execution id
Executing pre-rpc: update_pre
Executing focexec.
Executing post-rpc: update_post
Task error:[pcb101] Pcb2[Scb0.Stmt2.]: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
No report to distribute.
Log report notification successfully sent to ...
Any ideas? I am wondering if the rc job executes each item in order?
WebFOCUS 8201M/Windows Platform