Focal Point
[CLOSED] Dynamic FEX URL in HTML Composer

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November 26, 2014, 11:07 AM
[CLOSED] Dynamic FEX URL in HTML Composer

I am trying to add a button to a HTML page and in hyperlink properties, want to select URL and call a FEX and that URL should include a value from dropdown in the same HTML page. I am missing something.


In the above URL, TOYOTA is selected from a dropdown with ID CAR_NM. How can I include this in above URL so that each time it picks the value in the dropdown?

Thanks a lot..

This message has been edited. Last edited by: <Kathryn Henning>,

HTML,PDF,EXL2K, Active, All
November 26, 2014, 11:57 AM
Why not using "External Procedure" as for the action for the button? That will call directly your fex and the parameters will be passed to the fex... No need to create the url, it will be created automatically.

WF versions : Prod 8.2.04M gen 33, Dev 8.2.04M gen 33, OS : Windows, DB : MSSQL, Outputs : HTML, Excel, PDF
In Focus since 2007
November 26, 2014, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by MartinY:
Why not using "External Procedure" as for the action for the button? That will call directly your fex and the parameters will be passed to the fex... No need to create the url, it will be created automatically.

Martin, its kind of very complicated page and fex, so want to go with URL. If no option, they will do External Procedure.

HTML,PDF,EXL2K, Active, All
November 26, 2014, 12:36 PM

I'm with MartinY. You should use the External Procedure for that action. But if you are adamant against it, then you need to write a Javascript function that will generate your string. something along the lines of

var my_car=document.getElementById('CAR_INPUT').value;
var my_string="" + my_car + "&WFFMT=PDF";

Eric Woerle
8.1.05M Gen 913- Reporting Server Unix
8.1.05 Client Unix
November 26, 2014, 02:38 PM
same html page has a button and calls same report in HTML format. new button is needed and that should call report in PDF format. ho can I pass PDF value with PDF button?

HTML,PDF,EXL2K, Active, All
November 26, 2014, 03:31 PM
Why not adding a new control to select output format?

You'll keep only one button to launch the report but having &WFFMT as a new parameter...

WF versions : Prod 8.2.04M gen 33, Dev 8.2.04M gen 33, OS : Windows, DB : MSSQL, Outputs : HTML, Excel, PDF
In Focus since 2007