Focal Point
DRILLMENUITEM and accordion report question

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June 06, 2006, 05:21 PM
DRILLMENUITEM and accordion report question

Have an accordion report that uses DRILLMENUITEM to call an fex as a drop down list option. When I click on one of the list items I would like for a new browser to pop open verses having the same browser show the pdf report. The issues is the user cant back to the previous page which is the accordion report. Is there anything we can do to pop open a new browser when requesting a report?

Thanks in advance,
June 06, 2006, 06:15 PM
TARGET=NEW in the drill down, but i don't know if you can spec a target for each DRILLMENUITEM separately, i suspect not, but TARGET=NEW for the whole set of DRILLMENUITEMs for that given variable, will work like a charm.

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