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Hi, I'm trying to create a new HTML report for our purchasing department and I'm not sure how to go about it.
I need to somehow make a report using separate SQL tables without drilldowns.
I have 4 tables I need, a purchase_orders, purchase_items, purchase_contracts and purchase_actions. Each table uses a key that is a PR Number.
I would have normally used the SQL to join purchase_orders and purchase_items, then use group bys, but that leaves other tables. And I don't know about joining actions to that, because some orders have dozens of items and dozen of actions (wouldn't each action be joined to each item?).
I would be inclined to create each as a separate report, held FORMAT HTMTABLE with stylesheets based on CLASS with the whole lot encompassed in a single HTML page using an included CSS file. A brief idea along the lines of -
etc. etc. etc.
<html><head><title>Some title</title>
<link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="URL for your css file">
etc. etc. etc.
Obviously you would have more code around this but it gives you the idea.
In FOCUS since 1986
WebFOCUS Server 8.2.01M, thru 8.2.07 on Windows Svr 2008 R2
WebFOCUS App Studio 8.2.06 standalone on Windows 10
Posts: 5694 | Location: United Kingdom | Registered: April 08, 2004
Yes, but I'd like to group all of the data I mentioned above by PR. Wouldn't something like that list all the orders, then all the items, then all the contracts, items, so on, much like a compound report would?
Are you asking how to write the code for the WebFOCUS JOINs to join the four tables (a technical question), or are you asking someone to tell you how the four tables are related (a business question)?
WebFOCUS 7.7.05
Posts: 1213 | Location: Seattle, Washington - USA | Registered: October 22, 2007
Wouldn't something like that list all the orders, then all ......., much like a compound report would?
It could do, depending upon how you wrote the report(s).
As Ginny suggests, an accordian report might be what you need, but I suspect that your real question is about data retrieval and perhaps not display? e.g How do I get the data all at once?
For that you need to have specific data relationship awareness and perhaps use a multi verb process preceded by MATCH processing? Only specific knowledge of your data relationships would allow you to move forward on this(?) so if I were you I'd start with an ERD and work forward.
In FOCUS since 1986
WebFOCUS Server 8.2.01M, thru 8.2.07 on Windows Svr 2008 R2
WebFOCUS App Studio 8.2.06 standalone on Windows 10
Posts: 5694 | Location: United Kingdom | Registered: April 08, 2004
Tony, I think that you are right on the money. The question appears to me data extraction related. An ERD would certainly help us understand if "we" should be attempting to execute one piece of SQL with a "four way" JOIN or whether it might be more effecient to execute one or more queries to extract the data into HOLD files before populating the reports. The other concern that I have is just how much data and how often is all this data is required ON THE SAME report at the same time. Might this be an overkill. It is more than likely to be IO intensive. I sense (and possibly wrongly) that the author is trying to create a "dashboard" effect. Hey just a few of my thoughts. regards Steve Simon
Are you asking how to write the code for the WebFOCUS JOINs to join the four tables (a technical question), or are you asking someone to tell you how the four tables are related (a business question)?
No, I'm asking about the joins. I know how the four tables are related (the PR number key).
How about an accordian report?
Yes, yes! This is what I want to do.
As for the others questions, I don't see how I can get all the data into one file to be used by the report. The issue is that I don't see how I can use a traditional SQL join, or a focus join for that matter -- that is, I start with all my purchase orders, then join all the items, then join all the actions to that -- the joins would be gigantic, much too big because there are thousands and thousands of purchases in my database, each with anywhere from 1-200 items, anywhere from 1-20 orders, etc.
I sense (and possibly wrongly) that the author is trying to create a "dashboard" effect. Hey just a few of my thoughts.
You would be correct. This report also uses an HTML form where I can search for types of purchases, buyer names, item names, etc. I need some way to have multiple purchases show up in the report (which isn't the hard part), and then be able to view all of the orders, items, contract data (charges) and all of the buyer actions without using drilldowns.