Focal Point
Greater Than - Less Than Date

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October 15, 2013, 03:51 PM
Greater Than - Less Than Date
I am using InfoAssist 8.0.02 and would like to set a Filter on a Date Field (Format is MDYY). I want the filter to be Greater Than or Equal to Today's Date. I cannot see how to do this. Any ideas?

Webfocus release:
Windows, All Outputs
October 16, 2013, 09:58 AM
Kevin W
I would define my own date field and filter on that. Your MDYY needs to be YYMD to get a valid comparison.

WebFOCUS 7.7.05 (Someday 8)
Windows 7, All Outputs
In Focus since 1983.
October 17, 2013, 04:54 PM
Hi Christy,
I don't know whether you figured this one out yet, but here is an approach.
(I only could manage to do this as a three step process - perhaps someone that knows their way around InfoAssist knows a better way.)

The steps:
1) Create a new DEFINE field for today's date
2) Add a FILTER for your MDYY field - but just hardcode a value to test against to start
3) Right click on the FILTER that was created (in the left FILTER pane) and Edit it in Advanced mode

Some detail on each:
1) Create a new DEFINE field for today's date
In the Data/Define tool, create a new field e.g. today_mdyy, with a format of mdyy
Type in the expression: '&MDYY'
(NB: Note the single quotes)
Save the DEFINE and print the new field just to check that your DEFINE is correct

2) Add a FILTER for your MDYY field - but just hardcode a value to test against to start
I'm guessing you probably know how to do this by now ;-)
Add the filter for your date field e.g. where it is 'Greater then or Equal to', and then type in a value e.g. 11111111
At this point everything should still work i.e. no errors, and you should still see your data

3) Right click on the FILTER that was created (in the left FILTER pane) and Edit it in Advanced mode
Your FILTER should now appear in the pane on the left of your screen
Click on your new filter and Edit it / but specify that it must be opened in Advanced mode
You should see your expression. If you double-click on the value that you typed in e.g. 11111111 - and possibly wait a second or two,
you should get a drop-down box for 'Type:', which will now be a Constant. Select 'Field' instead.
Then select your new today_mdyy field, and click OK

And that should work!

WebFOCUS 8.2.06 mostly Windows Server