We need to display a report with the total values in a row and the subsquent rows need to have a breakup of the total based on the different attributes for which the total has been done; however we are unable to display the same in the same table as a single display.We are able to generate a split report with the total as one table and the invidual attributes as different tables . Here is the codebase :
TABLE FILE CATG_HDR<br />-*BY<br /> -*AND ( ITEM_TYPE_MSTR.ITEM_TYPE_T EQ 'Sellable' )<br /> -*AND ( CATG_TMPL_ATTR.STAT_C EQ 'R' )<br />-* AND ( CATG_HDR.CATG_I EQ &SpecifiedTemplate.(1,10010,10011,10012,10020,10021,10022,10023,10024,10030,10038,10039,10040,10041,10042,10043,10044,10045,10048,10049,10050,2,3,4).SpecifiedTemplate.);<br />SUM<br /> ATTR_N AS 'Attribute'<br /> AMZN_ATTR_N AS 'Amazon Attribute'<br /> ATTR_VAL_N AS 'Value'<br /> AMZN_ATTR_VAL_N AS 'Amazon Value'<br /> CurrentCount AS 'Current Counts '<br /> FutureCount AS 'Future Counts '<br />BY<br /> CatgCodeName NOPRINT<br /><br />ON CatgCodeName PAGE-BREAK<br />HEADING<br />""<br />"<CATG_HDR.CatgCodeName> <60 <CurrentCount <10 <FutureCount "<br />WHERE ( DIR_ITEM_MSTR.PARNT_ITEM_F EQ 'Y' ) AND ( DIR_ITEM_MSTR.MRCH_PUBL_F EQ 'Y' )<br /> AND ( DIR_ITEM_MSTR.LNCH_D NE MISSING );
Could you provide inputs on the same?