Focal Point
Search Engine for WebFOCUS code

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December 08, 2006, 02:19 PM
S.J. Kadish
Search Engine for WebFOCUS code
Does anybody have a search function available for checking character strings in their focexecs, MFDs, style sheets, HTMLS, etc. There is an inactive search icon on the MRE which would be great if it worked.

The 7.6 Google option, as I understand, will enable search for character strings in the Report Library, which is a great item. However, it would be great to avoid the Homer Simpson "D'oh" when trying to recall where we put that last great piece of killer code that can make or break an app.

As usual - somebody in the FOCUS nation knows and will share with all.

Sandy Kadish
Dev: 8.2.04- PostgreSQL
Test: 8.2.04 - PostgreSQL
Prod: 8.2.04 - PostgreSQL
December 08, 2006, 05:00 PM
Commando Dave
Hi Sandy,

How ya doin?

My preferred weapon for code analysis and etc is using Ultra Edit. It's a great tool for opening a group of files and searching text strings and etc. Found at

-Commando Dave Heidbrink
December 08, 2006, 07:05 PM
Sandy, TEXTPAD from has a 'search files' feature. My textpad installation i have configured to use my fex dir as its default document dir, so when i open it, its ready to do exactly the same type of search that you mention. I like Ultraedit as well, as does Commando, i find textpad less intrusive.

In Focus since 1979///7706m/5 ;wintel 2008/64;OAM security; Oracle db, ///MRE/BID
December 09, 2006, 08:22 AM
Google Desktop with Larry's Any Text File Indexer, you can add a list of extensions to add to Google's searching ability.

I've added, ASP, FEX, MNT, WFM, MAS, FTM etc,etc
December 11, 2006, 06:56 AM
S.J. Kadish
To all who responded: These are all great options and will be conssidered. However, the question remains as whether IBI will put a search function in place that can do what these other text editors can handle. After all, some of us work in environments where adding new software is not an option.

Kerry & Kathleen - and other IBI staff as well: Has a new product request been submitted for a search function built into MRE?

Sandy Kadish
Dev: 8.2.04- PostgreSQL
Test: 8.2.04 - PostgreSQL
Prod: 8.2.04 - PostgreSQL
December 11, 2006, 07:34 AM
Tony A

I know you are not on Windowse but I am sure you could derive an AIX alternative to do something like this -

-DEFAULT &Extn   = 'fex'

DOS CD D:/wfdev/ibi/apps
DOS DIR *.&Extn /s /b > files.txt

FILEDEF srchlist DISK srchlist.ftm (APPEND
FILEDEF allfiles DISK D:/wfdev/ibi/apps/files.txt

-READ allfiles, &FileName

FILEDEF varrecord DISK &FileName

TABLE FILE varrecord
PRINT COMPUTE FileName/A256V = '&FileName.EVAL';

-READ allfiles, &FileName

TABLE FILE srchlist

DOS ERASE files.txt

varrecord.mas is a fixed format master file with a single field called FIELD1 with a format of A256.

Build an HTML front end to allow you to choose the search string, file types etc. and it's a start until, maybe, IB provide an extention to the Impact Analysis tool to permit search string instead of just Fields in Procedures and Masters.


This message has been edited. Last edited by: Tony A,

since 1986
WebFOCUS Server 8.2.01M, thru 8.2.07 on Windows Svr 2008 R2  
WebFOCUS App Studio 8.2.06 standalone on Windows 10 
December 11, 2006, 08:25 AM
S.J. Kadish
As usual - thanks exponentially, Tony. We will give that option a shot.

But again, the question remains as to whether or not IBI is researching an environment-wide search tool:

- launched from MRE on a thin-client basis
- limited to DevStudio user

Sandy Kadish
Dev: 8.2.04- PostgreSQL
Test: 8.2.04 - PostgreSQL
Prod: 8.2.04 - PostgreSQL
December 11, 2006, 11:49 AM
Hi Sandy and all,

I forwarded this one to our product manager and here is the response:

IBI currently has many initiatives with search underway. The ability to search focexecs, master files, style sheets, etc within the WebFOCUS product is slated for a future release.

I am always eager to hear what you think would help make our product better. What type of functionality in the search feature is most important to you? Would you upgrade to a higher release for this capability?

Any suggestions, ideas, and comments will be welcome. Smiler



Kerry Zhan
Focal Point Moderator
Information Builders, Inc.
December 11, 2006, 03:21 PM
S.J. Kadish
Kerry - in response:

Optimally, the text search function should be structured similar to the examples posted above in textpad , ultraedit or Google Desktop with Larry's Any Text File Indexer (must check that one out!), which enable searches such as

• Includes
• Excludes
• Exact phrase
• All of the words
• At least one of the words
• Wild cards (e.g. ‘%ebFocu%’)

Additionally, it would be great to have the option to limit the search based on

• Application
• Suffix (.fex, .mas, .htm)
• Domain
• File originally created
• File last modified

The toughest question you ask:

“Would you upgrade to a higher release for this capability?”

Easy answer – that’s the boss’s call

Truthful answer – a search engine alone, ceter parabus, would probably not justify the upgrade. However, a search engine coupled with other features could make the upgrade worthwhile.

Keep up the great work!

Sandy Kadish
Dev: 8.2.04- PostgreSQL
Test: 8.2.04 - PostgreSQL
Prod: 8.2.04 - PostgreSQL
December 11, 2006, 03:49 PM
I think this question and the proposed solutions comes close to my question about "keeping track on the applications"
If the search would give back a list with the internal name (zx34abc1.fex) and the description name you have used in the MRE that would be a great help.
Maybe the answer from "Tony" is a good start for this.


prod: WF 7.6.10 platform Windows,
databases: msSQL2000, msSQL2005, RMS, Oracle, Sybase,IE7
test: WF 7.6.10 on the same platform and databases,IE7

December 19, 2006, 09:44 AM
S.J. Kadish
Kerry - moving forward -

Is this a 7.8 type item or something that might come in with 7.6.2 (or some variation thereof?)

Sandy Kadish
Dev: 8.2.04- PostgreSQL
Test: 8.2.04 - PostgreSQL
Prod: 8.2.04 - PostgreSQL
December 20, 2006, 03:01 PM
Hi Sandy,

Heard from product management: This is for a post 76x release.



Kerry Zhan
Focal Point Moderator
Information Builders, Inc.