Focal Point
[SHARING] Change Management - Deployment from TEST to PROD

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May 05, 2009, 10:21 PM
[SHARING] Change Management - Deployment from TEST to PROD
We are trying to get some procedures and best practices in place. I have read up a little on the Change Management Utilities.

1) I was interested in hearing more feedback if it is necessary to use the Change Management Utilities if our Production and Test environment is on the same server. Right now we are copying and pasting from one area to another area.

2) Should we have a Test environment and DEVL environment. I saw some developers use naming conventions differently from the files differently in TESTING that a best practice.

Thanks any feed back is appreciated.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Kerry,

May 06, 2009, 08:01 AM
Hi, We use the change management utilities. Though our test and production environment are on 2 different servers. Everything has the same names in both environments. The developers can then use the change management extract utilitiy to create a zip file of the code they want moved. They mail that to the admins and the admins move the file to the production server and run the load. We started out with cutting and pasting but that caused issues down the road as the underlying names of the focexecs were getting changed. Then when referenced in and HTML screen or dashboard the Focexec would not be found. We had to do some clean up but now with the CM utilities names stay the same between servers and no more issues of not being able to find a called module.

Webfocus 8.0.7 on Windows
May 06, 2009, 04:36 PM
We also use the CM utility and find it works fine. We developed an in-house utility for zipping application objects and transfering them in a similar method, as the CM works for only MRE code.

We also go as far as only letting select individuals being allowed to migrate from a DEV to QA and then to PROD environments.


Prod: WebFOCUS 7.7.03 - MRE, BID, - WindowsXP - Oracle 9i, SQLServer, DevStudio 7.7.3 - Apache Tomcat , Output: HTML, Excel 2013 and PDF