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I have found an issue where App Studio doesn't seem to recognize my FOOTERS fex. I have spent the last year updating all of our reports so that they can be opened in Dev Studio (The were written in NOTEPAD and very frequently use DM commands within Reports, Defines, etc). Now that we're finalizing changes to roll WF 8 into production, our footers include file doesn't work.
This footers.fex looks like this:
-* Program: footers.fex -* Author: Scott Haines -* Date: 8/25/2014 -*Standard Footer for documents: -SET &FOOT1 = 'Information provided by Taylor University Student Information System'; -SET &FOOT2 = 'Report: ' | &PROGRAM; -SET &FOOT3 = 'Printed: ' | &DATE || ' , ' || &TOD; -*Ferpa statement: -SET &FERPA1 = 'This information is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and '; -SET &FERPA2 = 'cannot be further disclosed. When no longer required, these documents must be properly destroyed.'; -SET &FERPA3 = 'Failure to comply with these conditions may result in the loss of the privilege of obtaining these records.';
Within the calling document, we use it as a FOOTING or SUBFOOT: FOOTING "&FOOT1" "&FOOT2" "&FOOT3"
If I open the FEX in text view and add the -INCLUDE and the footing statement as above, the fex will run without error. However, when I just open the fex normally (Within the GUI), I get the error: "Error parsing Master File: ". I've tracked this back to the includes (If I remove the -INCLUDE, the file opens without error).
Has anyone experienced something similar or do you have a "better way" to do this?
Thank you!This message has been edited. Last edited by: <Kathryn Henning>, October 28, 2015 02:16 PM
I am being facetious, but why do you consider opening the fex "within the GUI" to be the normal method?
As Tom states, the GUI does not like comments peppered throughout the code - they are tolerated at the top of the fex. In the case of an INCLUDE that contains comments at the top - these are probably not tolerated.
Since you're using the GUI - there is no need for you to look at the code, therefore there are no reasons for comments.
And heed Martin's advice.
Give me code, or give me retirement. In FOCUS since 1991
Production: WF 7.7.05M, Dev Studio, BID, MRE, WebSphere, DB2 / Test: WF 8.1.05M, App Studio, BI Portal, Report Caster, jQuery, HighCharts, Apache Tomcat, MS SQL Server
Tom - Thank you for your help. That did the trick. Our IBI Consultant missed that one too, so I'll pass it along to him.
Martin - Part of this year long project has been to remove all -INCLUDE or other DM commands out of the TABLE...END components.
Francis - Opening "normally" meant the default behavior for AppStudio. When I learned WF 2 years ago, I learned from an old-school coder, so for me, I do 90% of my work in the code, but we're on a organizational push to use the tool rather than write code. It also helps with others in our department that don't know the code, but can hammer our reports in the GUI.