Freeze Window size
Hi Avinash,
I am following up with you regarding your scroll height within InfoAssist.
In InfoAssist, there is a feature to freeze the column titles so they do not
scroll off the page. To invoke the feature, create an InfoAssist report, add
some fields, click format on the file menu, then Freeze on the ribbon.
The freeze feature is not available in Report Assistant.
As far as controlling the window height and scrolling in InfoAssist this does not seem to be an option within
InfoAssit itself. If you feel this is a feature you would like to see then a New Feature Request can be suggested within a case. Please open a case at
IBI TechSupport site. In the case provide a few sentences that describes the functionality required and how it will benefit the user and developer community.
Update the subject line with [CASE OPENED] if you decide to request this.
Thank you for participating in the Focal Point Forum.
Kindest regards,
Tamra Colangelo
Focal Point Moderator
Information Builders Inc.
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