Focal Point
New Calendar Feature - trouble formatting date

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June 03, 2005, 04:34 PM
New Calendar Feature - trouble formatting date
Has anyone gotten the new calendar feature to work? We are trying to pass the date in and format


but this is what we get:

1901/06/16 12:00AM
1901/06/16 12:00AM
1901/06/16 12:00AM

Can someone help with the format. It seeems to be in a smart date format but needs to be in a "FOCUS" date format according to the new features documentation.
June 04, 2005, 04:44 AM
knowing zip about the CHECKIN thing,
but the format you're looking at is called DATE-TIME format.
and the format called SMARTDATE or FOCUS DATE is an integer, actually, between 0 and 37nnn which is the number of days elapsed since the beginning of the last century. (thats how you can do arithmetic with it), and it displays under a mask such as YYMD or MtY , etc.
so go look up DATE-TIME formats, and you'll be good to go.
June 04, 2005, 03:51 PM
John Price
HDTTM is used to convert a SmartDate field to a DateTime field. The full syntax is:

field2/DTfmt= HDTTM(SDfield,length,format) ; convert SmartDate to DateTime
field2: = fieldname to receive the DateTime value
SDfield: = the input SmartDate fieldname or �literal�
length: 8 = for measurements down to milliseconds
length: 10 = for measurements down to microseconds
format: 'DTfmt' = specify the receiving DateTime format
format: fieldname = specify a fieldname having the required format

This may be found in the "WebFOCUS Keysheet" and in the "(Almost) 1001 Ways to Work with Dates in WebFOCUS" which are available from