Focal Point
Only see specific metadata

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March 21, 2005, 02:52 PM
Only see specific metadata
We have several different departments that will be using developer's studio. I have gone in and set up their metadata in the specific application folders, but when they go to choose the tables they need they see all of the tables that are available. Some departments may have a database with the same table of the same name. I have been putting descriptions on them so its somewhat easier to determine which table is the correct one, but is there any way to make it so you only see the metadata that is associated with the application you are working on ?
March 22, 2005, 12:44 AM
If you are not using UAS (formerly MRE) you can set the APP PATH in individual user profiles. If you are using UAS then to can create domains and tie Domains to APP PATH folders
March 22, 2005, 05:26 AM
There is an icon on the developers studio tool bar that looks like a pair of binoculars. If you click on this it will toggle the files that are displayed between, all files in the project path and only those files that have been added to the project. To add a file to a project right click on it and select add to project. Like wise to remove a file right click and select remove from project. Remove from project does not physically remove or delete the file it just drops it from the project file list maintained in the gfa.
March 24, 2005, 12:25 PM
Texas, I am using MRE. How do I tie domains to app path folders?

JG, I am using 5.3.3. I do not see an icon that looks like binoculars.
March 24, 2005, 01:34 PM
Hi Ginny,

There is a section titled "Using Domains in Managed Reporting" in Chapter 2 of the WebFOCUS Managed Reporting Administrator's Manual Version 5.3 (4500584.0904), that may be of use to you.

Hope this helps,
March 24, 2005, 03:38 PM
That was exactly what I needed thank you sooo much!