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October 01, 2013, 12:10 PM
Running IA 7.7.03

Very basic of my first! No joins. Everything in ONE table.

I drop: FiscalYear into the BY area.
I drop: Period in to the BY area.
I drop: UNITS in the SUM area.

I hit: RUN and it works fine.

I drop: DEPT into the FILTER area. I click the PROMPT tab and select: Prompt using Data Values (Dynamic) then click the: Allow Multiple Values for Prompt.

I run it again. Now it lets me pick one or more depts from a list of all depts found in my data. Works great!

I drop: FiscalYear into the FILTER area. I click the PROMPT tab and select: Prompt using Data Values (Dynamic) then click the Allow Multiple Values for Prompt.

I run it again. After a few seconds I get the following error:

The following error has occurred while processing this form: (FOC1400) SQLCODE IS 8815 (HEX:00001FB3) XOPEN: 22003. Please contatact your administrator for assistance.

I click: OK and get another error:

The following error has occurred while processing this form: L (FOC1406) SQL OPEN CURSOR ERROR. : TBLTEMP_BUDGACTUALDETAILS. Please contact your admistrator.

Any ideas?

WebFOCUS 8206.08
Windows, All Outputs
October 02, 2013, 05:37 AM
Hi Robert,

My guess would be that although you may be displaying "Fiscal Year" as just a year, it is probably a full date/time stamp on your backend database.

Can you please post the FIELD definition from the master file for the Fiscal Year field.

WebFOCUS 8.2.06 mostly Windows Server
October 02, 2013, 10:10 AM
No its purely a 4 digit number. Its I11 when I hover over the field.

WebFOCUS 8206.08
Windows, All Outputs