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I have a pdf form that I created in composer which is just populated with variables pulled from a SQL database. I created three variations based on whether the pdf should be open, close or blank depending on how many sets of variables are returned. I can only get the pdf to generate the first page of the report even though I loop through the code. Can someone take a look at this code and tell me what I am doing wrong? Do I have to hold this file somewhere to get the other pages to generate?
-*Grab all the school group reservations for the previous day and put them in a HOLD file ENGINE SQLMSS SET DEFAULT_CONNECTION OutboundSoftwareZoo SQL SQLMSS PREPARE SQLOUT FOR SELECT CAST(row_number() over(order by R.ResID) AS INT) AS ID,CAST(CONVERT(DATE,A.ActDateTime,101) AS CHAR(10)) AS VISIT,CAST(R.ResName AS CHAR(56)) AS ORGANIZATION, CAST((C.FirstName +' '+ C.LastName) AS CHAR(52)) AS CAREOF,CAST(C.[Street 1] AS CHAR(56)) AS ADDRESS,CAST((C.City + ', ' + C.State + ' ' + C.Zip) AS CHAR(85)) AS CITYSTATE, CAST(C.[Home Phone] AS CHAR(31)) AS PHONE,CAST(CASE WHEN A.ActivityID = '1828' THEN 'Franklin' ELSE 'Non-Franklin' END AS CHAR(18)) AS COUNTY,CAST(A.DisplayTimeLabel AS CHAR(56)) AS TIME FROM Reservations AS R JOIN Activities AS A ON R.ResID = A.ResID JOIN Customers AS C ON R.CustomerID = C.Customer# WHERE R.ResDateCreated BETWEEN '20150917' AND DATEADD(d,1,'20150917') AND (A.ActivityID = '1828' OR A.ActivityID = '1829') ORDER BY R.ResID END -RUN TABLE FILE SQLOUT PRINT * BY ID ON TABLE HOLD AS SCH_LIST END -SET &COUNTER = &LINES; -*------------------------------LOOP----------------------------------- -REPEAT LOOP &COUNTER TIMES; -*-SET &CMP_FLG = IF &LOOP EQ &COUNTER THEN 'CLOSE' ELSE IF &LOOP EQ 1 THEN 'OPEN' ELSE ''; TABLE FILE SCH_LIST PRINT ID VISIT ORGANIZATION CAREOF ADDRESS CITYSTATE PHONE COUNTY TIME WHERE ID = &LOOP; ON TABLE SAVE AS SCH_FORM END -RUN -READ SCH_FORM &ID.I11. &VISIT.A10. &ORGANIZATION.A56. &CAREOF.A52. &ADDRESS.A56. &CITYSTATE.A85. &PHONE.A31. &COUNTY.A18. &TIME.A56. -TYPE &ID -TYPE &ORGANIZATION -TYPE &CAREOF -TYPE &ADDRESS -TYPE &CITYSTATE -TYPE &VISIT -TYPE &TIME -TYPE &COUNTY -TYPE &PHONE -TYPE &EXTRA -TYPE &LOOP -TYPE &COUNTER -*Create the pdf form for this school group -IF &LOOP EQ 1 GOTO OPEN ELSE IF &LOOP EQ &COUNTER GOTO CLOSE ELSE GOTO MIDDLE; -OPEN -INCLUDE schoolgroups_forma.fex -GOTO FORMOUT -MIDDLE -INCLUDE schoolgroups_formb.fex -GOTO FORMOUT -CLOSE -INCLUDE schoolgroups_formc.fex -FORMOUT -SET &LOOP = &LOOP + 1; -*------------------------------ END LOOP----------------------------------- END -LOOPThis message has been edited. Last edited by: <Kathryn Henning>,