When you say added as an indexed field do you mean FIELDTYPE=I alone or do you also mean that it has been included into the SEGTYPE to give SEGTYPE=S4 and thereby make it a KEY field?
If it is only an index (FIELDTYPE=I) then it should function no different to the previous MODIFY process.
However, if you added it as a KEY then, yes, you will have so opportunities to address.
Don't mistake INDEX and KEY fields as an INDEX is not necessarily a KEY!!
From your post I guess that it has been added as a key but, do you need it as a key?
If the answer is yes, then you really need to change your pre extract to give you ALL key fields so that the modify functions properly as you will not be able to change a key field value later.
If you don't really need it as a key then take it out of the equation and use a SEGTYPE=S3 (or as per your MFD) and use your existing extract and modify.
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