If you include ur image in ur table request (and lets also hope it will come in webviewer) and put some smart loop to print the table requests, then how the webfocus server will recognize the page breaks and will give output in the webviewer properly...Not sure if this will really work out....
But i think ur 2nd idea is awesome...
Ved doesn't have 761 instead no PDF layout painter might be...
But you can do it in very smart way as below...
Suppose take CAR file...and we wanna show sales
/model for diff countries.
Just find the count of distinct countries..
and create the loop in below way..
read distinct country and store in a variable...
for each distinct country find the sales/model graph(save as gif)...
then in dummy table file requests include the image...(make sure u give the image name as a variable when u hold it and when u include it in table request)
Now when loopcounter = 1 >> ON TABLE PCHOLD FORMAT PDF OPEN
when loopcounter = &lines >> ON TABLE PCHOLD FORMAT PDF CLOSE
and for inbetween prints the format will be >> ON TABLE PCHOLD FORMAT PDF
and it will produce all the graphs in different pdf pages....
WF Server: 7.1.4 on Z/OS and Linux, ReportCaster
Data: DB2, DB2/UDB, Adabas, SQL Server, Oracle Output: HTML,PDF,Excel2K
WF Client: Servlet, CGI