Focal Point
Adding correct DOC TYPE to Dashboard's HTML

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May 01, 2013, 05:50 PM
Adding correct DOC TYPE to Dashboard's HTML

The following is the HTML that is generated by WebFOCUS when a user logins to group view:

<TITLE>WebFOCUS Business Intelligence Dashboard</TITLE>
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">"mainWindow";
<FRAMESET rows="*" cols="*" border="0">
<FRAMESET rows="105, *" cols="*" border="0">
<FRAME src="/ibi_apps/Controller?WORP_REQUEST_TYPE=worp_get_banner&BANNER_LINK=HELP,LOGOFF&" name="banner" title="Banner Frame" scrolling="no" FRAMEBORDER="0">
<FRAMESET rows="20, *" cols="*" border="0">
<FRAME src="/ibi_apps/Controller?WORP_REQUEST_TYPE=SHOW_TOOLBAR&TOOLBAR_NAME=ibitoolbar&TOOLBAR_TYPE=hor&" name="ibitoolbar" title="Toolbar Frame" scrolling="no" FRAMEBORDER="0">
<FRAME src="/ibi_apps/Controller?WORP_REQUEST_TYPE=SHOW_CONTENT&" name="contentFrame" title="Content Frame" scrolling="no" FRAMEBORDER="0">

I want to add DOCTYPE and meta for IE=Edge, so the HTML would look like:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge">
<TITLE>WebFOCUS Business Intelligence Dashboard</TITLE>
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">"mainWindow";
<FRAMESET rows="*" cols="*" border="0">
<FRAMESET rows="105, *" cols="*" border="0">
<FRAME src="/ibi_apps/Controller?WORP_REQUEST_TYPE=worp_get_banner&BANNER_LINK=HELP,LOGOFF&" name="banner" title="Banner Frame" scrolling="no" FRAMEBORDER="0">
<FRAMESET rows="20, *" cols="*" border="0">
<FRAME src="/ibi_apps/Controller?WORP_REQUEST_TYPE=SHOW_TOOLBAR&TOOLBAR_NAME=ibitoolbar&TOOLBAR_TYPE=hor&" name="ibitoolbar" title="Toolbar Frame" scrolling="no" FRAMEBORDER="0">
<FRAME src="/ibi_apps/Controller?WORP_REQUEST_TYPE=SHOW_CONTENT&" name="contentFrame" title="Content Frame" scrolling="no" FRAMEBORDER="0">

Is there anyway this can be done? Any JSP to edit? Thanks

WebFOCUS 8.2.x, InfoAssist, MRE/Dashboard, ReportCaster, Active Reports, jQuery, Highcharts, FusionCharts
Platform: Windows, AIX
May 02, 2013, 09:21 AM
You should be able to add it but since it will be in the core code you will have to insure that you document it so that you can repeat the modification each time you upgrade. Someone here may know the precise file to modify but I would suggest you open a case so that you can get exact instructions for your version of WF.

WF 7.7.04, WF 8.0.7, Win7, Win8, Linux, UNIX, Excel, PDF
May 02, 2013, 09:25 AM
I found it. It is created by the following file:
I shall modify it later in the week on our sandbox and post my results back here.

WebFOCUS 8.2.x, InfoAssist, MRE/Dashboard, ReportCaster, Active Reports, jQuery, Highcharts, FusionCharts
Platform: Windows, AIX
May 08, 2013, 03:31 PM
Edited ibi\WebFOCUS77\webapps\webfocus\worp\jsp\layout\WORP_Layout.jsp file to include the following (just before the tag):<BR><BR><pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre"> <% String paramValue = request.getParameter("WORP_MPV"); %> <% if ("aa_gbv".equalsIgnoreCase(paramValue) || "ab_gbv".equalsIgnoreCase(paramValue) ) { %> <!DOCTYPE html> <HTML> <HEAD> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"> <%} else {%> <HTML> <HEAD> <%}%> </pre><BR><BR>In the above code, the DOC TYPE is set only for aa_gbv and ab_gbv, for other views IBI default setting is used. I understand that this file might need to be replaced when we apply any hotfixes/upgrades (version 8 is years away for us). Any other disadvantages/thoughts on using this approach? Thanks!<br></div><div class="ev_tpc_signature"> <br/><br/> ------------------------------<BR>WebFOCUS 8.2.x, InfoAssist, MRE/Dashboard, ReportCaster, Active Reports, jQuery, Highcharts, FusionCharts<BR>Platform: Windows, AIX </div><div class="ev_print_post"><div class="ev_print_post_info"><div align="right" class="ev_print_date">May 08, 2013, 03:54 PM</div><b>webfocusguru</b></div>Edited ibi\WebFOCUS77\webapps\webfocus\worp\jsp\layout\WORP_Layout.jsp file to include the following (just before the <TITLE> tag):<BR><pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre"> <% String paramValue = request.getParameter("WORP_MPV"); %> <% if ("aa_gbv".equalsIgnoreCase(paramValue) || "ab_gbv".equalsIgnoreCase(paramValue) ) { %> <!DOCTYPE html> <HTML> <HEAD> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"> <%} else {%> <HTML> <HEAD> <%}%> </pre><BR><BR>In the above code the DOC TYPE I wanted is applied only for aa_gbv and ab_gbv. I understand that when we upgrade/apply hotfixes I might need to add these lines again. Any other disadvantages/thoughts? Thanks!<br></div><div class="ev_tpc_signature"> <br/><br/> ------------------------------<BR>WebFOCUS 8.2.x, InfoAssist, MRE/Dashboard, ReportCaster, Active Reports, jQuery, Highcharts, FusionCharts<BR>Platform: Windows, AIX </div><div class="ev_print_post"><div class="ev_print_post_info"><div align="right" class="ev_print_date">May 08, 2013, 03:56 PM</div><b>webfocusguru</b></div><BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by raj_t:<BR>I found it. It is created by the following file:<BR><B>ibi\WebFOCUS77\webapps\webfocus\worp\jsp\layout\WORP_Layout.jsp</B><BR>I shall modify it later in the week on our sandbox and post my results back here. </div></BLOCKQUOTE><BR><BR>Edited ibi\WebFOCUS77\webapps\webfocus\worp\jsp\layout\WORP_Layout.jsp file to include the following (just before the <TITLE> tag):<BR><pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre"> <% String paramValue = request.getParameter("WORP_MPV"); %> <% if ("aa_gbv".equalsIgnoreCase(paramValue) || "ab_gbv".equalsIgnoreCase(paramValue) ) { %> <!DOCTYPE html> <HTML> <HEAD> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"> <%} else {%> <HTML> <HEAD> <%}%> </pre><BR><BR>In the above code the DOC TYPE I wanted is applied only for aa_gbv and ab_gbv. I understand that when we upgrade/apply hotfixes I might need to add these lines again. Any other disadvantages/thoughts? Thanks!<br></div><div class="ev_tpc_signature"> <br/><br/> ------------------------------<BR>WebFOCUS 8.2.x, InfoAssist, MRE/Dashboard, ReportCaster, Active Reports, jQuery, Highcharts, FusionCharts<BR>Platform: Windows, AIX </div></body></html>