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Opening a link into a new window

I need to open a link which is on an HTML file into a new window.
I have tried doing it using the hyperlink properties like - window = _blank etc.In that case it opens into a new window but says 'Page can not be displayed'.

If i directly copy that link from IE into my HTML file without setting its properties, then it displays all the contents but in the same window.

The whole aim is to display the contents right but, in a seperate window.

Web Focus Version -7.1.4
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Try putting 'target=_blank' in the link tag in stead of 'window=_blank'.


- Using AS 8.2.01 on Windows 10 - IE11.
in Focus since 1988
Posts: 1961 | Location: Netherlands | Registered: September 25, 2007Report This Post
Thnx for your reply. But, i am not coding here....i am only setting the hyperlink properties here using HTML layout painter.

Please sugeest something.

Web Focus Version - 7.1.4

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bb, most of us are coders, not gui users, so you need to read the manuals for gui help, i would suggest.

In Focus since 1979///7706m/5 ;wintel 2008/64;OAM security; Oracle db, ///MRE/BID
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... and / or get some training! It will help you and your company in the long term.


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I need to open a link which is on an HTML file into a new window.

If you want to open a new link in an html file use a hyperlink.

<a href=""
target="_blank">Yahoo Page!</a>


<A href="chapter2.html" target="_blank">chapter two</A>

If you want to open a new link from a .fex follow the steps below.

1. Create a new fex and name it say myhtm.fex
2. Use
command in your original program
3. In myhtm.fex, use the method to open a new link in a separate window (refer to MSDN Page for more explanation)

Sample code for myhtm.fex will be something like this:
my_window ='', 'newwin',
 'resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, toolbars=yes, location=yes, directories=yes, status=yes, menubar=yes, copyhistory=yes');

This message has been edited. Last edited by: ok_dhs,

Prod: WebFOCUS 7.1.3 on Linux Kernel-2.6.5 zSeries 64bit/Apache Tomcat/5.0.28 JAVA version 1.4.2_11 server
Posts: 35 | Location: Oklahoma City | Registered: May 11, 2006Report This Post
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But, i am not coding here....i am only setting the hyperlink properties here using HTML layout painter

It might be an idea to read the previous posts first?


since 1986
WebFOCUS Server 8.2.01M, thru 8.2.07 on Windows Svr 2008 R2  
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Posts: 5694 | Location: United Kingdom | Registered: April 08, 2004Report This Post
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I was just trying to give him an option in case he wanted to make some changes to the code generated by HTML layout painter. Sorry, did not mean to offend you.

Prod: WebFOCUS 7.1.3 on Linux Kernel-2.6.5 zSeries 64bit/Apache Tomcat/5.0.28 JAVA version 1.4.2_11 server
Posts: 35 | Location: Oklahoma City | Registered: May 11, 2006Report This Post
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No offense taken, just wanted to point out the the person doesn't appear to be wanting a coding solution Confused


since 1986
WebFOCUS Server 8.2.01M, thru 8.2.07 on Windows Svr 2008 R2  
WebFOCUS App Studio 8.2.06 standalone on Windows 10 
Posts: 5694 | Location: United Kingdom | Registered: April 08, 2004Report This Post
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Well, if you're just using the gui to create your hyperlinks and such, it should be sufficient to enter the http:// address in the dialog window.
'Action' should be URL, in the 'Source' field you can type your http address, 'Target type' is window, and 'Target name' is _blank.
As you found, your new window will open with this setting, so that works ok.
If the page can't be opened or found, investigate the url shown in the location of the browser to see if it really is the correct one. Otherwise try some other url that will be found, like


- Using AS 8.2.01 on Windows 10 - IE11.
in Focus since 1988
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