Focal Point
Run Vs Run Deferred

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September 14, 2006, 10:40 AM
Run Vs Run Deferred
Hi ,

I am new to Webfocus.

1. I want to know the difference bet'n Run and Run Deferred in Managed Reporting.

2.If we right click fex file in MRE there is option called Publish, if we publish how and where to see the published output??

Kindly help

September 14, 2006, 12:13 PM
Please remember to edit your profile signature with your system config.
RUN DEFERRED uses CPU only when it is available and stops running while other users are running regular reports. DEFERRED is a lower priority.
The results of a RUN are displayed on your screen, whereas the results of a RUN DEFERRED are viewable in the log of the job, seen by clicking on the DEFERRED STATUS icon in the task bar in mre.
PUBLISH creates a simple HTML Launchpage from your fex by examining the paramters the fex requires and preparing a FORM that will allow you to enter values for them. The HTML launch page will appear right in the same domain as the fex.
Have you taken the classes? the MRE classes are very useful for just this reason.

In Focus since 1979///7706m/5 ;wintel 2008/64;OAM security; Oracle db, ///MRE/BID
September 14, 2006, 12:22 PM
To add a note to susannah's statement. RUN tie to the word foreground, RUN DEFERRED tie to the word background. DEFERRED is used much for 'longer running' programs.

Welcome to the wonderful world of WebFOCUS. The people on this forum have provided me much insite also, and I've been using FOCUS/WebFOCUS for a long time.
