Focal Point

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November 08, 2005, 10:33 PM
Dear Focal Point Members,

Focal Point will be unavailable beginning Friday, November 11th at Noon/12:00 p.m. ET. I apologize for any inconvenience.

The reason for this service interruption is so that we may upgrade to the latest message board software. You may remember we migrated to another release a few months ago and that was a general maintenance requirement in order to prepare for this version.

For weeks we've been testing the software and we are all very excited about the new features and product enhancements. We hope you'll be just as impressed on Monday, November 14th!

Some of the key enhancements include:

* Notifications -- You can subscribe to such alerts as: new posts to specific topics; new topics in specific forums; new messages by specific members.

* Power Buttons -- Easily navigate or search throughout the site and use the Developer Center link to return to Information Builders Website.

* -- Now you'll be able to quickly identify the message board alerts in your email boxes (no more "devreg" messages).

* Rate-A-Topic -- Let us know what you think about a particular topic by selecting the appropriate checks (1 for ok and 5 for great).

* Available Soon Chat Groups -- We'll be hosting interactive chat sessions with key Information Builders/iWay Software representatives who can answer your questions live. Soon we'll be polling everyone and relying upon your suggestions to help launch this great feature.

* Much, much, more!

A mini-guide will also be available for download on the Developer Center to help answer any questions you may have.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, etc. or if I can be of any assistance during the service interruption or anytime in the future.

Thanks everyone!

Maryellen Novak
Office: 212-736-4433, ext. 3654
Mobile: 646-239-3272