Focal Point
Javascript Post Increment Operator...

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June 26, 2006, 03:54 PM
Wayne Atchley
Javascript Post Increment Operator...
We are having some difficulty making the postincrement (++) operator work in one of our fex's...

Basically, we are creating an HTMLForm section in the fex and building the HTML and Javascript code into the fex... seems common enough.

The problem is in one of the JS sections, we want to use columnnumber++. when we run the code it ignores the ++ and doesn't continue with the execution.

if we use columnnumber += 1 it will work, but now our index is off. The rigged solution would be to initialize columnnumber = -1; this doesn't work either.

We have even tried referencing columnnumber as is in the JS and incrementing it at the bottom of our loop (i.e. columnnumber++) this also fails...

If we set alerts to view the code that should get produced it looks correct, but it will not run correctly.

Are there limitations to what you can build and run through the fex with respect to JS or HTML?


June 26, 2006, 05:40 PM
Wayne Atchley
We found the problem... It isn't with ++, it's with our string exceeding 4096 characters...

We are building < tr > statements and with all of the styling and jscript calls, we are exceeding the length.

Now we are trying to find ways to break up each < tr > statement into sub pieces so we don't exceed the length.
