Focal Point
[SHARING] Hourly World Backups

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November 21, 2011, 11:41 AM
[SHARING] Hourly World Backups
I created an hourly backup process for our developers after one very loud and irate dev lost his day's work on a disk space whitescreen crash. This backs up 9 worlds, hourly from 8a - 6p, M-F. Costs ~180MB but since I don't have to hear that commotion again, priceless.

This process (as written) requires WinZip on the Server and the Command Line Add On for compression. The files are overwritten each day the schedule executes (we also have a nightly backup done by our server team). The files are named with the date and hour of backup.


For /f "tokens=1-3 delims=/:." %%a in ("%TIME%") do (set hour=%%a)

REM	ECHO %hour%

REM -ex Maximum (portable) compression
REM -P  Stores folder names.
REM -r  Recurses subfolders.
REM -a  Adds files

wzzip -ex -P -r -a "D:\WorldBackups\" @backup_dev_worlds_list.lst 1>NUL

; Worlds

Scheduled via Windows Scheduled Tasks:

Separate task for every hour (10 total)
Schedule Task: Weekly
Start Time: 8:00am (repeat for other hours)
Schedule Task Weekly:
Every [_1_] Week On M, T, W, T, F

Hope this keeps your devs from griping!

WF Environment:
Server/Client, ReportCaster, Dev Studio: 7.6.11
Resource Analyzer, Resource Governor, Library, Maintain, InfoAssist
OS: Windows Server 2003
Application/Web Server: Tomcat 5.5.25
Java: JDK 1.6.0_03
Authentication: LDAP, MRREALM Driver
Output: PDF, EXL2K, HTM

Oracle 10g
DB2 (AS/400)
MSSQL Server 2005
November 23, 2011, 12:38 PM
There is no need to have winzip or any other 3rd party "zip" software on the server.
WebFOCUS includes a zip utility zip.exe on windows (different name on unix)

It's in the drive:\ibi\srv77\home\bin\ directory

type zip -h or zip -h2 at a command prompt in that folder for help (or give it the full path).