i agree with your approach. calculate the graph and perhaps save it as a gif onto your server, rather than recalc it ever time.
display the report as part of a form where a text box is displayed for input and the contents-to date of the comments database is displayed as output. Two fexes, #1 reads and #2 writes.
The form onSubmit calls an update fex (#2) that MODIFY's the comments database with the newly collected input.
you'll spit out the form at the bottom of the display fex (#1). The display fex can calc the graph and read the comments database,
[ FORM......etc your action, fexname, all that>
[ IMG SRC= your gif>
<input type=textbox...etc>
your submit button goes here
[ /FORM>
[ /BODY>
[ /HTML]
Works for me
Let us know how it goes, ok? Sounds like a great idea.