For FOCUS on MF, there are several levels of PROFILEs, depending on your needs:
You can use ISPF EDIT to look at a member FOCPARM in the PDS allocated to ERRORS. In that there are SET commands that apply to all users who use that ERRORs (usually production) dataset. If more than SETs are required, then also in ERRORS, a member called FOCPROF will be executed by any user using that ERROR library.
We do send a FOCPARM with the product, but system programmers usually will use ISPF EDIT, to adjust it as needed for their environmnet.
Now FOCEXEC library is then allocated via the JCL, or CLIST per user. This might be a production library shared by all, or a indivicual user library concatenated ahead of the system on. In there, if a member PROFILE is encountered, then it will be executed upon entry to FOCUS. So, for instance, my CLIST to gointo interactive FOCUS looks something like this:
Upon entering FOCUS, we will execute
ERRORS(FOCPROF) (if one exists)
FOCEXEC(PROFILE) (again if one exists)
So, you can create the profiles in any convenient editor (I use ISPF), and then copy them in to the correct PDS.
Batch is basically the same, just with JCL, but with the added facility of an "on the fly" profile where the JCL says
profile commands
and that will be executed IF there is no PROFILE member in any of the FOCEXEC libraries.
Hope that answers your question.
This is true for any release of MF FOCUS up to and including the soon to be released 7703.
Noreen Redden
PS if the question was more about the editing, I use ISPF. So, before going into FOCUS I might say:
ispf 2
and on the ISPF screen specify
FOCEXEC.DATA(PROFILE) (default is your prefix), then you are in a pretty standard editor.
Typically a user does not have the rights to edit the ERRORs PDS, or the production FOCEXEC libraries, but again your own library can be concatenated ahead of the production ones.
WEFOCUS - All releases starting at 4.3.6
MF FOCUS -- All releases starting at 3.8.68
OS/Platfor _ Predominately Z/OS, but all others as swell
Expected Output Format -- *