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I am building a compound document which will contain 3 columns of reports and graphs. I am trying to minimize white space around graphs, and between the different reports/graphs.
The first graph on the doc is a pie chart. With setRect(getPieFrame(),new Rectangle(x,y,width,height)) I can move the pie chart around the graph rectangle. However setLegendRect(new Rectangle(x,y,w,h)) does not seem to affect the legend at all. I have tried extreme values for x, y, w and h and the legend does not change. I have read through the API guide, looked through the forum and searched the internet, but cannot determine what I am doing wrong. Below is the code for this pie chart. Any ideas, or pointing me to a source which provides a great explanation of graphics would be great appreciated.
Thank you,
SET HTMLARCHIVE=ON COMPOUND LAYOUT PCHOLD FORMAT PDF UNITS=IN, $ SECTION=section1, LAYOUT=ON, METADATA='0.5^0.5^0.5^0.5^4', MERGE=OFF, ORIENTATION=LANDSCAPE, PAGESIZE=Letter, SHOW_GLOBALFILTER=OFF, $ PAGELAYOUT=1, NAME='Page layout 1', text='Page layout 1', TOC-LEVEL=1, BOTTOMMARGIN=0.5, TOPMARGIN=0.5, ORIENTATION=LANDSCAPE, METADATA='BOTTOMMARGIN=0.5,TOPMARGIN=0.5,LEFTMARGIN=0,RIGHTMARGIN=0,ORIENTATION=LANDSCAPE,', $ COMPONENT='graph1', TEXT='graph1', TOC-LEVEL=2, POSITION=(0.500 0.700), DIMENSION=(4.000 1.799), COMPONENT-TYPE=GRAPH, METADATA='Z-INDEX: 100; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 4in; HEIGHT: 1.799in; TOP: 0.7in; LEFT: 0.5in', $ COMPONENT='graph2', TEXT='graph2', TOC-LEVEL=2, POSITION=(0.500 2.700), DIMENSION=(1.000 1.500), COMPONENT-TYPE=GRAPH, METADATA='Z-INDEX: 100; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 1in; HEIGHT: 1.5in; TOP: 2.7in; LEFT: 0.5in', $ COMPONENT='graph3', TEXT='graph3', TOC-LEVEL=2, POSITION=(1.600 2.700), DIMENSION=(2.500 1.500), COMPONENT-TYPE=GRAPH, METADATA='Z-INDEX: 100; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 2.5in; HEIGHT: 1.5in; TOP: 2.7in; LEFT: 1.6in', $ COMPONENT='report1', TEXT='report1', TOC-LEVEL=2, POSITION=(0.500 4.400), DIMENSION=(4.000 2.890), METADATA='Z-INDEX: 100; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 4in; HEIGHT: 2.89in; TOP: 4.4in; LEFT: 0.5in', $ COMPONENT='graph4', TEXT='graph4', TOC-LEVEL=2, POSITION=(0.500 7.600), DIMENSION=(3.958 1.250), COMPONENT-TYPE=GRAPH, METADATA='Z-INDEX: 100; POSITION: absolute; WIDTH: 3.958in; HEIGHT: 1.25in; TOP: 7.6in; LEFT: 0.5in', $ OBJECT=STRING, NAME='text1', TEXT='Total Invoiced - TTX and Agency', POSITION=(1.500 0.500), MARKUP=ON, WRAP=ON, DIMENSION=(2.167 0.167), style=bold, METADATA='', $ OBJECT=STRING, NAME='text2', TEXT='Total Invoiced by Type', POSITION=(1.250 2.500), MARKUP=ON, WRAP=ON, DIMENSION=(1.542 0.167), style=bold, METADATA='', $ OBJECT=STRING, NAME='text3', TEXT='TTX Top Invoiced Customers', POSITION=(1.250 4.167), MARKUP=ON, WRAP=ON, DIMENSION=(2.000 0.167), style=bold, METADATA='', $ OBJECT=STRING, NAME='text4', TEXT='Total Adjustments - TTX and Agency', POSITION=(1.250 7.292), MARKUP=ON, WRAP=ON, DIMENSION=(2.500 0.167), style=bold, METADATA='', $ OBJECT=STRING, NAME='text5', TEXT='Accounts Receivable Dashboard', POSITION=(5.510 0.094), MARKUP=ON, WRAP=ON, DIMENSION=(3.333 0.417), style=bold, METADATA='', $ END SET COMPONENT='graph1' -*component_type graph DEFINE FILE FIN_INVOICE_DETAILS DNAME/A10= IF FIN_INVOICE_DETAILS.FIN_INVOICE_DETAILS.MASTERBA EQ 'UTLX' THEN 'Union Tank' ELSE FIN_INVOICE_DETAILS.FIN_INVOICE_DETAILS.MASTERBA; END TABLE FILE FIN_INVOICE_DETAILS SUM COMPUTE Total/D12.0M=FIN_INVOICE_DETAILS.FIN_INVOICE_DETAILS.AMOUNT / 1000 ; COMPUTE MYSORT/A50 = DNAME || '-' || LJUST(15,(FTOA(Total,'(D12.0M)','A15')),'A15'); BY FIN_INVOICE_DETAILS.FIN_INVOICE_DETAILS.DNAME WHERE FIN_INVOICE_DETAILS.FIN_INVOICE_DETAILS.RECORD_DT EQ '&RECORD_DT' AND FIN_INVOICE_DETAILS.FIN_INVOICE_DETAILS.BUSA NE 'TXRC' AND FIN_INVOICE_DETAILS.FIN_INVOICE_DETAILS.TYP NE 'WO' OR 'RM' AND FIN_INVOICE_DETAILS.FIN_INVOICE_DETAILS.ACCOUNT NE 'TXRC'; ON TABLE HOLD AS FINHOLD END GRAPH FILE FINHOLD SUM FINHOLD.FINHOLD.Total BY FINHOLD.FINHOLD.MYSORT ON GRAPH PCHOLD FORMAT PNG ON GRAPH SET HTMLENCODE ON ON GRAPH SET GRAPHDEFAULT OFF ON GRAPH SET VZERO OFF ON GRAPH SET HAXIS 27648 ON GRAPH SET VAXIS 12456 ON GRAPH SET UNITS PIXELS ON GRAPH SET LOOKGRAPH PIESINGL ON GRAPH SET GRMERGE ADVANCED ON GRAPH SET GRMULTIGRAPH 0 ON GRAPH SET GRLEGEND 1 ON GRAPH SET GRXAXIS 0 ON GRAPH SET GRAPHSTYLE * setReportParsingErrors(false); setSelectionEnableMove(false); setDepthRadius(5); setTransparentBorderColor(getChartBackground(),true); setTransparentBorderColor(getSeries(0),true); setTransparentBorderColor(getSeries(1),true); setTransparentBorderColor(getSeries(2),true); setTransparentBorderColor(getSeries(3),true); setTransparentBorderColor(getSeries(4),true); setTransparentBorderColor(getSeries(5),true); setTransparentBorderColor(getSeries(6),true); setTransparentBorderColor(getSeries(7),true); setTransparentBorderColor(getSeries(8),true); setTransparentBorderColor(getSeries(9),true); setTransparentBorderColor(getSeries(10),true); setPlace(false); -*setTextFormatPreset(getPieSliceLabel(),6); setFillColor(getSeries(0),new Color(93,138,200)); setFillColor(getSeries(1),new Color(128,0,0)); setFillColor(getSeries(2),new Color(255,194,6)); setFillColor(getSeries(3),new Color(192,192,192)); setFillColor(getSeries(4),new Color(255,128,0)); setFillColor(getSeries(5),new Color(255,127,80)); setFillColor(getSeries(6),new Color(74,74,74)); -*setRect(getFrame(), new Rectangle(-16000,-16000,32000,32000)); setLegendOrient(0); setRect(getPieFrame(),new Rectangle(-16000,-5000,25000,22000)); setLegendRect(new Rectangle(13000,-1000,1000,10000)); setExtendToFrameEdge(true); -*setLegendDisplay(true); setPieFeelerTextDisplay(0); -*setDisplay(getLegendArea(),true); -*setLegendPosition(2); setPieDepth(50); setPieTilt(70); setDisplay(getPieLabel(),false); ENDSTYLE ENDThis message has been edited. Last edited by: <Kathryn Henning>,
I keep setting the HAXIS and VAXIS back to default values. When I switch between Design mode and Text Editor mode, HAXIS and VAXIS are changed to these high values.
Thank you for the suggestion on setLegendAutomatic(false). With this api and setLegendPosition(-1) - free floating, my legend moved!